Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Thursday, May 3, 2016, class7b

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock because I had Sport for relaxation. We played football and volleyball. Our next lesson was French. French is optional subject, so there are just 10 pupils at French. We learned about prepositions. Next we had P.E. We threw vortex. I threw it 35 meters which is quite good distance. Then we had Slovene. Three of my schoolmates prepared wall newspaper and presented it today. This took us the whole hour, so it was pretty fine because I thought that I will be graded. After Slovene we had Maths. Our teacher told us which grades we got at mini tests. Grades were quite good. After that we made exercises. Then we had French again. Some students wrote a test while we were working with the teacher. Then I had lunch and went back to home.

1 comment:

  1. Well written. You make progess with your English. Continue the good work.
