Monday, May 23, 2016

FRIDAY 20 TH MAY, 2016

Today I woke up at seven o’clock. I brushed my teeth. Then I dressed up. Before I went to school I ate my breakfast. Twenty past seven I went to school. Fist hour we had English ten we had maths, geography, science and history. When we had science we wrote a test. It was hard. I went home sadly. When I came home I went to watch TV the I ate my lunch. For lunch I had pancakes and they were very good. I went to do my homework. Than I went to ate cookies .At five o‘clock I went in Medvode with Eva. We went on jufka. We meet our good friend Manca there. Then we went to watch soccer training. We were there one hour. Then we went in store and there we bought candies. We talk all the way to our houses. I ate dinner and I went to watch TV. At eleven o’clock I went to bed. At one o’clock I went to sleep.

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