Monday, May 9, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016, class 9/II

Hello, I started this day with cup of green tea, but I still woke up very sleepy. Then when I came to school we had a big test at History and it went well. After it we had Geography and English where I had my movie presentation for The Revenant which went far better then I expected, so I got an A. Pretty the same was at Slovene where I was graded ˝home reading˝  and again I got an A. Then we had Chemistry and dance classes for valedictory ball. After the end I rushed on a bus to Ljubljana where I had orchestra class. When it was over I went back , where we had a dance with schools from Medvode. I came home at 9.30 so it was a long, but successful day.


  1. Great description. Congrats on the two awesome grades!

  2. Great description. Congrats on the two awesome grades!
