Monday, May 30, 2016


White-tailed deer, the smallest members of the North American deer family, are found from southern Canada to South America. In the heat of summer they typically inhabit fields and meadows using clumps of broad-leaved and coniferous forests for shade. During the winter they generally keep to forests, preferring coniferous stands that provide shelter from the harsh elements. Female deer, called does, give birth to one to three young at a time, usually in May or June and after a gestation period of seven months. Young deer, called fawns, wear a reddish-brown coat with white spots that helps them blend in with the forest. White tailed deer live anywhere Benjamin, 7.a

Blog post 4 by Ben

I woke up at 7 a.m. last Monday. I needed to finish my homework because I forgot all about it on Sunday. I had Maths which was very easy. After I finished the homework I got dressed and ate my breakfast. I got on my bus at 8:15 a.m. I didn’t have any tests on Monday so it was just a regular school day. When I got home I didn’t do much. I studied and made my homework. Then I watched TV and reed some books. I got to sleep quite early because I had an early hour the next day. So that’s what my Monday was like. What about you? How did you spend your day?

Blog post 3 by Beni

I woke up at 8 a.m. last Sunday and I knew I had a lot of work to do. First I quickly brushed my teeth, dressed up and ate my brekfast. Then it was time to go outside and work on the garden. First I wattered the garden and then I helped mom plant some tomatos. Afterwards I cleaned my room, checked my homework and then it was time to eat. We had pizza for lunch. I went outside and played at 6 p.m. I played baskeball by myself because there was nobody at the playground. I came home at about 7:30 p.m. At home, I watched TV and played video games. I took a shower and went to sleep.

Blog post 2 by Ben

I woke up at 7 a.m. last Saturday becouse I had a lot of things in pan. First I got dressed and then brushed my teeth. For brekfast I had eggs and bacon with a cup of English tea with it. Then I studyed and made my homework. At 12 a.m. I helped my mom prepare lunch. After we ate our lunch I went outside and had fun. First I played some basketball and then I went to the nearby playground where we played soccer with my freinds. We had a great time. I got home at abaut 7:30 p.m. I made me some dinner and got a shower. I went to sleep at 10 p.m. I enjoed that Sunday very much.

Blog post 1 By Ben

Last Friday I woke up at 6:30 a.m. I brushed my teeth and dressed up. After I ate eggs for brekfast it was time to go to school. At 7: 15 a.m. I got on my bus and went to school. We had a test on sience. I finnished school at one o'clock. Then I ate lunch and I wnent to play with my freinds. We played soccer, basketball, football and we even went longbording. At 3:45 p.m. I went on my bus to karate. I had karate lessons for one hour and a half. After my lesson I got on my bus and went home. At home I played games and watched tv. At 10: 30 p.m. I took a bath and wnet to sleep I think I had a full day. What abaut you what was your day like.


The tiger is the largest representative of the cat, as they can grow up to 230 cm in length, with an additional more than 1m long tail. We recognize it after the orange fur with black strips. Among the subdivisions are significant differences in the size, colour and pattern. They had teeth large up to 25cm. The tiger is loner. The time of pairing some time hanging around with the female after 13-16 weeks of pregnancy 2-4 pups. The tiger is the largest and probably also aggressive member of the cat family. Available must have area that fished enough food for survival. For this reason often comes into contact with human beings. Today he lives in the wilderness of less than 5,000 tigers. Tigers live ina difficult transitional forests of Asia, where they are typically well hidden. Unlike most other cats they love the water and great to swim or be in water just chilling. Nina, 7.a

Sunday, May 29, 2016


Monkeys have big brain. Body is hairiness. They are similarly to people by constitution. They are brown, grey, white and black. Old male gorillas weight more than 180 kilos. They have small ears and their eyes are big. They have long tail. They eat insects, fruit, leaves and bird eggs. They communicate with voices. They live in forests. They are smart Many monkey species are tree-dwelling (arboreal), although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons. Most species are also active during the day (diurnal). There are two major types of monkey: New World monkeys (platyrrhines) from South and Central America and Old World monkeys (catarrhines of the superfamily Cercopithecoidea) from Africa and Asia. Simians ("monkeys") and tarsiers emerged within haplorrhines some 60 million years ago. New World monkeys and catarrhine monkeys emerged within the simians some 35 million years ago. Old World monkeys and Hominoidea emerged within the catarrhine monkeys some 25 million years ago. Petra, 7.a

The giant panda

Pandas are white and black color. They live in China. They are endangered animal species. They are similarly to bears. They eat bamboos. Giant pandas in the wild will occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity, they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food. On the world live just 1000 to 1600 pandas. Pandas originate China. They have small ears and small tail. It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. The name "giant panda" is sometimes used to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda. While the dragon has often served as China's national symbol, internationally the giant panda appears at least as commonly. As such, it is becoming widely used within China in international contexts, for example as one of the five Fuwa mascots of the Beijing Petra, 7.a

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Yesterday I woke up at 7.20. When I came to school I had English. We took a new unit and we were doing exercises in our books. The second subject was Biology. We got our tests back. Fortunately I wrote 5. The third subject was Sport. We ran Cooper's run. It was really hard, but I' m glad, that this is over now. For our last two hours we had Maths. We were doing exercises and the teacher asked a few pupils. The school was over then, but I still had jazz training. We were practicing new choreography. Zoja, 7.a

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Today I woke up at 6.35. For the first subject in school I had two school hours of German language. We wrote a test. Before the test I was very nervous. But I think, I wrote well. For the third subject I had History. We were doing exercises in our notebooks. The fourth subject was Sport. It was really fun, cause we played games all hour. For the last two hours I had Slovene. We toke a new unit. We finished school at 12.55. In the afternoon I had ballet. It was hard training, but I had fun. Zoja, 7.a


Fire ant They can grow from eight to ten millimetres long. Ant workers have red trunks and black abdomens. Queens and drones had wings. Drones are black. They are useful because they eat some pests. They eat louses too. Ant workers in danger strong bite. They can sat free poison from poison gland in the stomach. It is named formic acide. Fair ants are spread in all Europe. Queen make new colony. Ants workers make anthill. Anthill is from hypogeal and overhead part. The biggest anthills are one point five metres high. Larvas are five millimetres long. Armadillo They are close relative of anteaters. They eat ants too, but they are very special. If armadillo winced it jumped to one metres high and nutates in ball shaped. They eat ants with long, sticky tongue as anteaters. But anteaters don’t have cuirass. FILIP, 7.a

Wednesday, MAy 25, 2016

Today was special day. My mother had birthday and my parents had anniversary of the marriage. So I had to finished elder’ s cake. We started school at twenty five to ten. When I went to school I could see small cars on the school yard. They was for pupils from fourth and fifth class. We had History at first lesson. Benjamin talked about Karel Veliki and Sara talked about Muhammed. Next lesson we had P.E. We played with a ball because yesterday we ran two thousand, and four hundred kilometres. Then we had two lessons of Slovene. Mr. Lipavšek asked which day was on 25.5. when Slovenia was in Yugoslavia. Now when I wrote this I must care for my younger brother because my parents went to concert. Filip, 7.a

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


A camel is an even-toed ungulate within the genus Camels, bearing distinctive fatty deposits known as "humps" on its back. The average life expectancy of a camel is 40 to 50 years. A full-grown adult camel stands 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) at the shoulder and 2.15 m (7 ft 1 in) at the hump. Camels can run at up to 65 km/h (40 mph) in short bursts and sustain speeds of up to 40 km/h (25 mph). Bactrian camels weigh 300 to 1,000 kg (660 to 2,200 lb) and dromedaries 300 to 600 kg (660 to 1,320 lb).The male dromedary camel has in its throat an organ called a dull, a large, inflatable sac he extrudes from his mouth when in rut to assert dominance and attract females. It resembles a long, swollen, pink tongue hanging out of the side of its mouth. Camels mate by having both male and female sitting on the ground, with the male mounting from behind. The male usually ejaculates three or four times within a single mating session. Came lids are the only ungulates to mate in a sitting position. Camels do not directly store water in their humps as was once commonly believed. The humps are actually reservoirs of fatty tissue: concentrating body in their humps minimizes the insulating effect fat would have if distributed over the rest of their bodies, helping camels survive in hot climates. Camel is a staple food of desert nomad tribes and is sometimes considered a meal in and of itself; a nomad can live on only camel milk for almost a month. Camel milk is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and immunoglobulin’s; compared to cow's milk, it is lower in fat and lactose and higher in potassium, iron, and MARIJA, 7.A


Penguins are superbly adapted to aquatic life. Their vestigial wings have become flippers, useless for flight in the air. In the water, however, penguins are astonishingly agile. Penguins' swimming looks very similar to bird's flight in the air. Within the smooth plumage a layer of air is preserved, ensuring buoyancy. The air layer also helps insulate the birds in cold waters. On land, penguins use their tails and wings to maintain balance for their upright stance. All penguins are counter shaded for camouflage – that is, they have black backs and wings with white fronts. A predator looking up from below (such as an orca or a leopard seal) has difficulty distinguishing between a white penguin belly and the reflective water surface. The dark plumage on their backs camouflages them from above. Diving penguins reach 6 to 12 km/h (3.7 to 7.5 mph), though there are reports of velocities of 27 km/h (17 mph) (which are more realistic in the case of startled flight). The small penguins do not usually dive deep; they catch their prey near the surface in dives that normally last only one or two minutes. Larger penguins can dive deep in case of need. Dives of the large emperor penguin has been recorded reaching a depth of 565 m (1,854 ft) for up to 22 minutes. Penguins either waddle on their feet or slide on their bellies across the snow, a movement called "tobogganing", which conserves energy while moving quickly. They also jump with both feet together if they want to move more quickly or cross steep or rocky terrain. Penguins have an average sense of hearing for birds; this is used by parents and chicks to locate one another in crowded colonies. Their eyes are adapted for underwater vision, and are their primary means of locating prey and avoiding predators; in air it has been suggested that they are nearsighted, although research has not supported this hypothesis. Perhaps one in 50,000 penguins (of most species) are born with brown rather than black plumage. These are called isabelline penguins. Isabellinism is different from albinism. Isabel line penguins tend to live shorter lives than normal penguins, as they are not well-camouflaged against the deep, and are often passed over as mates. MARIJA, 7.A

Wednesday 25th May, 2016

I woke up at eight o clock. I ate breakfast. Then I dress. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. At nine o clock I went to school. First hour we had History, then we had Sport. Then we had two hour of Slovenian and then we had Sports. I went home at two o clock. At three o clock I had lunch. I made my homework. I watched TV. I brushed my teeth. I went sleep at ten o clock.

Monday 23rd, 2016

I woke up at half past seven. I ate breakfast. Then I dress. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. At eight o clock I went to school. First hour we had English and wrote test. Then we had Slovenian,and then we had music. Then we had two hour of Ethics. I went home at one o clock. At two o clock I had lunch. I made my homework. Then I was out with my dog. I played with her. At four o clock I went to the store. I went home at six o clock. I brushed my teeth and went sleep.

Tuesday 24th May, 2016

Today I woke up at half past seven. I dressed up and brush my teeth. Then I ate breakfast. At eight o clock I went to school. First hour we had English. Then we had Sciences and then Sports. Then we had two hour of Maths. I went home at one o clock. At two o clock I had lunch. I made my homework. At half past six I had a dance. I went home at seven o clock. I watched TV. I brushes my teeth and went sleep.

Saturday 21th May, 2016

Today I woke up at nine o clock. I dressed up and brush my teeth. I went to the kitchen and eat my breakfast. I was at my grandma house. I went in store with my grandma. We went back home and then we went to the mountains. I went with my dog and my father. I played with my dog. Then I ate ice cream. The weather was very hot. Then I went home I have a lunch. Then I went to study. After this I watched TV. I take a shower. Then I went to sleep at ten o clock.


This type of animal is called meerkat. Meerkat lives in savannah in the area of ​​Angola, Namibia, Kalahari Desert in Botswana and South. Although a great dig, they prefer to live in the tunnels. With expanded facilities, taking place on several levels, can be up to 6.5 meters deep. Meerkat live in a herd composed of 30 animals of different sex and age. With one pack several families. Most of the pups is the offspring of the alpha male and female. In ZOO are smaller groups. They are territorial animals and defend their territory against intruders and other packs meerkat’s. The smelly secretions of the glands under the tail indicate your area (rocks, roots, plants on the outskirts of the territory). They are mostly active during the day. Meerkat are prey to other animals such as hawks, eagles and jackals. However, Meerkat developed a special technique of protection. While some nutrients, other '' guard ''. The guards stand at the highest point and lookout for predators. In the case of danger warning advertised. Votes are different whether it is a predator that is approaching them from the air and coming on the ground. Then all meerkat's run to the nearest trenches. They eat insects, arachnids, snails, rodents, birds, eggs, lizards and snakes. They weight about 950 g, theire length is to 29 cm. They can live up to 10 years. After eleven weeks, females give birth to 6 pups at birth, and theire weight is 35 g. All meerkat are caring for puppies herd, and they confinement feeding there for a sufficient amount of milk that is better quality. Meerkat eat poisonous snakes and scorpions too. The poison doesn't hurt them, beacuse they are immune to it. They can survive without drinking liquid water. A sufficient amount of water derived from the roots, tubers and fruits. The skull and teeth of meerkat reminiscent of the original beast. Source: Eva,7.a

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sunday 15th, 2016

I woke up at seven o'clock. I dressed up, brushed my teeth and ate my breakfast. At eight o'clock we went to my cousin's first Holy Communion. We were there for a long time. We went home at five o'clock. At home I ate and I studied Math. At six o'clock we went to our neighbors Karin and Anže. Anže had first Holy Communion too so we ate dinner there. Then we played Activity with my neighbors. AT eight o'clock I went home. There I ate and I watched TV. At nine o’clock I studied. Later I went for a walk with my dog and sister Maja. I went to bed at ten o'clock and I went to sleep at eleven o'clock.,

Monday 23rd, 2016

I woke up at six o'clock. I ate breakfast. Then I dress, brushed my teeth and I did my make-up. AT seven o'clock I went for a walk with my dog and mom. At eight o'clock I went to school. First hour we had English where we wrote test. I think it wasn't very hard. Then I didn't have class anymore. I went home at two o'clock. AT home I ate lunch. At four o'clock I had flute lessons. After lessons I made pancakes for my dad and my mom. At five o'clock I watched TV. Then I went in Ljubljana. I came home at six o'clock. I went sleep late in night.

Saturday 21st, 2016

I woke up at ten o'clock. I ate breakfast and I dressed up. Later we went to Bohinj. There we ate lunch and a cake that we bought. At fourteen o'clock I watched TV. Then I drove with bike with my sister. At five o'clock I went to my cousin Ana where we played flute. When I came back we ate dinner. Then I ate dinner and I watched TV. At seven o'clock I studied English .Later I went out with my friends from Bohinj. We went to Bohinj Lake. In the evening I went with my dad to his uncle and his wife because they had birthday. We went home at eleven o'clock. When we came home we went sleep.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Friday 20th, 2016

I woke up at 7 o'clock. I ate breakfast. Then I dressed up, brushed my teeth and I did my make-up. Later I went for a walk with my dog. At 8 o'clock I went to school with my sister Maja and my neighbor Eva. First hour we had English, then we have Math, Geography, and Science where we wrote test. It was very hard. Last hour we have History. Then I went home. At home I ate lunch and watched TV. Later I cleaned my room. At five o'clock I went out with my friend Marija. We ate jufka. We met our friend Manca and Sarah. Then we watched soccer training .When training was over we went to shop where we bought candies. At six o'lock we went home. When I came home I ate dinner and I played with my little cousin Ana. At eight o'clock she went home, so I watched TV till night. At eleven o'clock I went sleep.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Yesterday i woke up at 8.50. It was Sunday, so i went downstairs and watched TV. At 9.20 i had breakfast. After tnat i dressed up and brushed my teeth. This day was very sunny, so i went out, to be on a fresh air. I lay on the grass outside and i jumped on a trampoline with my sister. It was very funny. After lunch my family and i went for a long walk with our dog. We went to the river. When i step in, the water was very cold. But it was good, because the weather was very hot. This day went to fast, but i realy had fun. Zoja


Today I woke up at ten o’clock. I dressed up. I went to eat my breakfast. I drank a coffee. Then I went in store with my mum. We went back home and then we went on Styria. There I studied for school. There was some dog named Aš. It was so cute. I played with him all day. Then we order a pizza. It was so good. At five o’clock we went back home. We rode one hour from there to home. I listen to music. When we came back home we ate fruit. Then I went to study. After this I went to watch TV. At eight o’clock I take a shower and I showered until nine o’clock. Then I went to solve workbook. I solve it all. Then I went to sleep at ten o’clock because I was so tired, but I don’t know why. Marija, 7a

FRIDAY 20 TH MAY, 2016

Today I woke up at seven o’clock. I brushed my teeth. Then I dressed up. Before I went to school I ate my breakfast. Twenty past seven I went to school. Fist hour we had English ten we had maths, geography, science and history. When we had science we wrote a test. It was hard. I went home sadly. When I came home I went to watch TV the I ate my lunch. For lunch I had pancakes and they were very good. I went to do my homework. Than I went to ate cookies .At five o‘clock I went in Medvode with Eva. We went on jufka. We meet our good friend Manca there. Then we went to watch soccer training. We were there one hour. Then we went in store and there we bought candies. We talk all the way to our houses. I ate dinner and I went to watch TV. At eleven o’clock I went to bed. At one o’clock I went to sleep.


Today I woke up ten to seven. I dressed up and I went to eat my breakfast. At ten to eight I went on bus station next to the school. Then I went with my classmates in Atlantis. We came to Atlantis at ten o’clock. We got bracelets. Then we went into the pool. We had a lot of fun there. We went in sauna and there was so hot. We went on water slide, I and my friend were went together. On the end of slide there was man who was so enjoying and he was so angry. We went to take a shower. Then we went in McDonalds. There I ate French fries, coca-cola and burger. Then we wait the bus. We went back home. At home I ate pizza. Then I went to study. At five o‘clock I went to watch TV. I take a shower at eight o’clock. I was so sleepy. At ten o’ clock I went to bed, but I didn’t fall in sleep.

FRIDAY 13 TH MAY, 2016

Today I woke up at seven o’clock. I was scared because it was Friday 13 th . I thought that something bad will happen to me. I ate my breakfast and I dressed up at ten past seven. Then I went to school. First hour we had English, then we had maths, geography, science, and the last hour we had history. I was in school until 1pm. I went home I there I had lunch. I ate fish. Then I went in Ljubljana. I was there with my sister. We went shopping. We were in City Park. I had a lot of fun there. I bought a jeans and t-shirt. I went on a bus and I arrived to Ljubljana. I went on Čopova Street. Then I went in McDonalds. I ate ice cream there. With a bus I went back to Medvode. I ate my dinner. Then I went to watch TV. At midnight I went to sleep.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016, class 9/I

So today I started my school day with History class. We were preparing for the NPZ again. After History we had Geography. Some of my classmates were graded and the we revised the geography of Slovenia. Next class was Slovene. As usual we just checked our homework and we prepared a little for the NPZ that we're writing tomorrow. Then we had English. Two of my classmates had a movie presentation today and now that all of us are graded we're hopefully going to choose a movie and then watch it at school. Next we had Chemistry. There we just did some exercises since we're writing a mini test next week. After this class most of us ate lunch at school. At 2 PM we went to our dance class and it was really fun. I think we improved our dance skills a lot.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Today I woke up later than I usually. I dressed up and brushed my teeth. Then I went to my grandparents. I had breakfast there. At 8:05 I went to the bus station. School started as usually at 8:30. Again we had English first and we solved some try tests, because we have the real test next Monday. After school me and my friend went to the swings and we waited there for the bus that took us home. I ate my lunch at my grandparents and then my grandpa took me to the volleyball training. We have a match on Saturday so we had to work really hard today. When I came home I had a shower and ate my dinner.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Today I got up as usually. I dressed up and brushed my teeth. I went to school. School started at 8:30. First we had English. We were solving some exercises. The teacher checked our diaries witch we write every lesson for five minutes. After school I had a training of squash. This is a sport that you can play inside the special gym and you have a little ball and a rocket. You have to punch the ball to the front wall and the other player must do the same thing. You get the point if the other player punches a ball to out of the red line that is drawn on the wall, or if the ball touches the floor two times in row. After training I went home and made my homework. It was a good day I hope tomorrow is going to be good too.

No date diary

Today i woke up at 7.20. I dressed up and brushed my teeth. I ate my breakfast and went to school. My first subject in school was English. We were doing exercises in our notebooks. My second subject was Slovene. We wrote in our workbooks. For the third subject we had Music. We had to write test, but we didn't. For the last two subjects we had Art. We had to cut the panel. It was quite fun. This day went very fast and we had fun during the breaks. Zoja

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

On Thursday I woke up also at quarter past six. I went downstairs and ate my breakfast. I ate cornflakes with milk. Then I went in the bath and washed my face. At 8 o’clock I went to school. Our lessons were: English, Maths, Slovene and Geography. We also wrote a small English test. After school we had lunch. Then I went home, did my homework and studied. I also went out rollerblading. After an hour I went in, because it was cold outside. After dinner I also watched TV, washed myself and at last I went to bed. Lara Anja 7.A

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I woke up at quarter past six and went to the kitchen. My Mum made me my breakfast. I ate it and then I went to school. At first we had two hours of German, and then we had History. On this day we also had P.E. and at last we had also Slovene. Then we went out of class and in the dining room to eat lunch. After lunch I went home and I did my homework. I also studied for the test on the next day. Then I went out and played two hours with my friend. After two hours my Mum called me in, because we had dinner. Then we watched TV. At 9 o’clock I went to the bath, took a shower and then I went to bed. Lara Anja, 7.A

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Today we had athletics competition. We started school at quarter past nine. We had History but not all lesson. At ten o’clock we went to the Tacen. We drove with a bus. There we dressed sport clothes and then we waited. I competed in run on the six hundred metres. I didn’t expect very good score, but I was third! I think our school got medals in all sports except in one. I think we were good. Afternoon I had lesson of accordion and music.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Oh No! Today was Friday thirteen! Luckily I am not superstitious. First lesson we had English. I had to finish blog posts and extra works if I don’t want to write test. Next was math. We learned about extents and square dimensions. Then we had Geography and Science. We finished at five past twelve because we didn’t have History today. At the afternoon I trained for appearance at the Sunday.


Now they are home three days and Jack is still angry. Hanna and Montana are sad because they are at home again. Charlie is now their friend. Sometime they see him in the city. They are at school again. Their friend are happy because they are back. At home everything is now different. They don’t need to work so hard any more. Now they have time for homework. They are happy and Jack is not angry any more. Hanna and Montana are their It’s Friday and Bob and Nicky are coming home. When they come home they see Hanna sleeping on the floor. She isn’t sleeping…she isn’t breathing. When Emma comes home she is scared. She sees Hanna on the floor, and Nicky and Bob too. She is angry. Emma thinks Bob and Nicky killed her daughter. Nicky is now calling 911. Now Hanna is in hospital and she is better now. She can breathe again. The doctor said that she is going to be all right, but she needs to rest and sleep. Emma is really angry because she still thinks Bob and Nicky almost killed her daughter. She is still angry and the boys are very sad. It is like it was before. They have to work all the time again. Emma hates them. Montana is angry and she wants revenge. Today they went to Emma and ask her: “Can we work just three days a week?” She starts laughing and said to them: “Of course not, you will work every day even on holidays!” They are really sad Today is Monday. It’s one o’clock p.m. and Bob and Nicky are walking home. And in front of the house they see Jack. He is laying on the floor. They run away and call 911. An ambulance arrives ten minutes later at the house. They come quickly and take him to the hospital. Emma is in house with Hanna and Montana, she is crying. The day after Jack is still in the hospital, but he is in a coma. Emma, Hanna and Montana visit him every day at the hospital and they cry a lot. Emma is angry at Bob and Nicky because she thinks it is their fault that Jack is in a coma, so she sends Bob and Nicky to an orphanage. They are very sad. It is a month later and Jack wakes from the coma. Emma, Hanna and Montana are very happy! But they all miss Bob and Nicky. Bob and Nicky are in orphanage very unhappy and they miss Charlie, their family and other friends. In the orphanage they don’t have friends. Their teacher is very mean, even more than Emma was. In class they mustn’t talk. Food in the orphanage is bad. Every day for breakfast they have bread and tea. For lunch they have soup, potatoes and water. For dinner they always have milk and bread. Every meal is the same. They miss Emma’s food. One day they write a letter to Emma, Hanna, Montana and Jack. It says: Dear Jack, Emma, Hanna and Montana! Here in the orphanage we don’t have friends and we miss you all. We miss Emma’s food, Hanna’s jokes, and Montana’s toys. We miss you Jack too. We want to come home. We can work every day even on holidays, we can cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, every day! We can clean the whole house, garden and both cars! If we are not going to work we will be in our rooms and you won’t know that we are at home. We are going to be as quiet as a mouse and as busy as a bee. Please can we come If you don’t what us at home we could go to Charlie’s, but we would like to be with you again. We really miss you! Please save us! When they got the letter they were all happy and immediately they went to the orphanage and drove Bob and Nicky home. They said they don’t need to work and they don’t need to clean and cook. “We are going to live like a normal happy family,” said Emma.

Friday, May 6, 2016

I woke up at eight oclock. I went to the kitchen and ate breakfast. Then I went to bathroom and brushed my teeth. After that I went to bedroom where I dressed and prepared my bag for school. At ten past nine I went to my classmates house and together we went to school. At thirty-five past nine we had breakfast. Our first hour was Geography. After Geography we had two hours of Science. The last hour was History, but because our teacher was not in school we had English. School ended at five to one oclock. Around half past one I ate my lunch. At quarter past two my dad drove me to music school. At three oclock my class ended and I went home to do my homework. At half past four my dad drove me to ballet class and at ten past six we drove home. Around seven oclock me and my sister watched a film. Around ten oclock I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. At half past ten I went to bed, where I read a book for around half hour and then I fell a sleep.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Today I woke at 6 o'oclock.For breakfast I ate a milk and corenflakes.Then I went on a walk by my 7:50 I brush my teeth and then I went to school at 8 o'clock. Our first hour was English. We workt exercise abaut nationality and country. Then we had lunch. At 11:10 we had Geography. We did a workbook for appraisail. At 12:05 we had classhour. Lara -Anja and Leon had a presentation.Our last hour was SPH we cooked a cake. I got 5.when i came home I went on a walk by my horses and dogs. At 3:15 I ate a lunch. I ate a spaghetti whit meat and salad.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Every Thursday I weke up at 7:20 a.m. Then I go to living room, where I watch tv. When it is 7.50 a.m. I go to the bathroom, where I do my morning hygiene.I go to school by bus. First hour we have History. We talk and write. Next hour we have Geography,I like Geography,because you can learn a lot of new things about the many countrys.Then we have Slovene,English and Math.At 14:05 we start with dance lesson.We always have fun.Our dance teacher is cute,friendly,halpful…We like her.We finished very late,at 15:30p.m.and we are all tired and we like to gome,but I like Thursdays!

MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016

Hi!On Monday I woke up at 6:40.Then I made breakfast.When I finally ate it I went to bus station,where we were waiting for a bus.We started school at 7:40.First and second hour we had German.Then we had Chemistry,we had a lot of homework.Then it was Slovene. We were talking through the whole lesson.It was fun,because we had a lot of fun.Next hour it was Music,we were singing.Finally school was over.We ate a lunch and went home by bus.At 14:00 p.m. I went to Ljubljana wiht my mother. Where I came home I read a book and ate a dinner.Then I had a shower. When I finished I went in living room where me and my sister watched TV. It was late, because I had to go to sleep…This was my day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hello everybody! Today I started my day at 7 o'clock.I went to school at 8.10,as usually.Our first lesson in school was Physics.We were doing some exercises for test.Then we had Geography.We wrote a test and it wasn't very hard.Our next lesson was English.And after English we had Chemistry.It was very fun lesson.After Chemistry we had free lesson.Some students did their homework.Our last lesson was Slovene.We were doing exercises in our workbooks.When I came home ,I ate my lunch.Then I went to music school.When I came home from music school I did all my homework.Then I studied Maths and Physics.After studying I went to bed. Zala

Friday, May 13, 2016

Wednesday, March 2, 2106, class 7b

Today is Wednesday. It is cloudy outside. I had snack at home, beacuse I had first lesson after snack. I had Slovene, double period in library, English and Maths. At Slovene we repeated what we had yesterday. In library we played game with cards called donkey. Than we had English. We had 30 seconds of time to tell something about our last week or holidays. I got 18 points and I hope that I had enaugh points for five. Our last lesson was Maths. There we did some tasks and two of pupils were asked by teacher. At home I did homework and than i went to playground. There I played football. In the evening I will have lesson of euphony.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday, May 11, 2016, class 8b

I woke up at 6 am and I went to the toilet. Then I got dressed and went to school. We had lessons until 1 pm. We laughed a lot but also worked a lot during Mathematics. After lunch I was with friends on the playground in front of school, then I went home. I wrote an assignment at home, I went to the basketball court and i played basketball with friends, we played basketball for two hours .after that I went home to prepare for another day of school and I went to sleep

Tuesday, May 10, 2016, class 8b

This morning I dreamed that I was at the dentist. That's why I was late to school.  Luckily I was today on a school duty with my schoolmate B.R. It was a lot of fun even though we have a lot of work to do. And after that I had one more German lesson. At 15 p.m. I came back at home.

M.K.        8.B

Saturday, May 6, 2016

Hello !!!
My hollydays was great but i was at home becouse i had trainings. On Tuesday I was at home and for morning I and my frainds playd football my mother call me and she told me we had lunch. After that I was at home and play games (League of Legends and more). Then i had training and when i went home i go sleept. On Wensday I didn't had trainig becouse it was celebration. Next day I went to hairdresser with father. After that we went home and i did my homework for Monday. On Friday I had last training for that week and for Saturday I and my brother went to grandmother. There was great and my great-grandmother gave me 20 euro.
Bye bye!!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016, class 8b

Today we wrote a geography test. It went pretty good, it was not that hard. I thought that I am going to be graded Slovene  as well, I was very scared, but it turned out that I was not and I was very happy about it. I had to study Slovene and Maths, cause I have got a feeling that I will be graded and even if I was not I still have to study. I did not have my dance lesson today, so I had time to study. I am eating an ice cream and cahtting with friends and that is pretty much my whole day.

Tuesday, May 11, 2015, class 8b

Today it's the second day after the break and it's not only that, it's the day when 6. and 9. graders write tests in the morning for 90 min, too. So we came to school at 9:35 and we could sleep longer than usually. But we were still sleepy (we will always be sleepy). At 9:35 we had breakfast, after breakfast we were suppose to have Biology, but the teacher was absent, so we had Class hour with our principal. Then we had Slovene and Giography, me, Anita,Medina,Jera and Manca were suppose to have presentation at Giography,but there wasn't enough time. Our last hour was Chemistry and I was so hungry, I couldn't wait till lunch, but I had to. Then I went home.

Friday, May 6, 2016, class 7b

I woke up at 8 o clock and i went to school at quarter past 9. I was sleepy. We had breakfast. We ate breath with nutellla and drank cacao. For first lesson we had sport. Next lesson was geography. We talked about Asia.Then we had math. Then we had English lesson. Some students had one minute speach. We didnt had history, so after that i went home. Then i did my homework. It was a funny day.

Friday, May 6, 2016, class 7b

Today I woke up at eight o’clock. Today was sunny .We start school at half past nine because are 9 and 6 class wrote national examinations we haven’t science next lesson we had P.E. we played basketball. Next lesson we had geography we. Learned about Asia. Next lesson we had Mats, we learned about geometry. Last lesson today was English because came off history. I came home by bus at twenty to two. In afternoon I made homework, had training and went to market. In evening I’m going brush my teeth, shower and watch television. Today I’m going in bed at nine o’clock.

Friday, May 6, 2016, class 7b

Hi !!

Yesterday I had training at 19.00 to 20.30. After training i went to wardrobe. Then I went home and sleept. Today I had school at 09.55 becouse of GCSE. After that I had sport and on sport we playd football . Next lesson was Geography,Maths and at last was English. After school I went home and did my homework then my mum drove me to gymnasium there I had training. After that i had one more training. I went home and went sleept.

Monday, May 9, 2016, class 7b

Today it is Mondays, but who cares. I usually woke up at 7:30. After long waking up I went to bathroom, there I took a shower I also brushed my teeth and washed my face. Because outside was rainy and cold weather I decide to wear something warm. I wore black jeans, white shirt and on my shirt some white jumper. After all this stuff I finally went to school. My first hour was History and then English, two hours of Art and the last one hour was Biology. When my class finished I went home and prepared myself a lunch. Then I made homework study little bite and I went out when I played with my dog and I also took a walk with him. In the evening I read a book and watched TV. Then was time for bed. Good night!

Friday, May 6, 2016, class 7b

Hello! Today it is Friday and I like Fridays very much because it is last day of the week that’s mean that is weekend. On Friday we have first two hours Biology lesson. Then we have a snack and after that P.E., and this is how usually Fridays starts I mean how class on Fridays starts, before I went to school i usually brush my teeth, wash my face, and take a shower. In the afternoon on Friday I sometimes go out with my friends or going on walk with my dog. I usually come home in the evening. Then I eat some dinner watch TV or read a book, and then I go sleep.

Ttuesday, May 10, 2016, class 8b

Today we had double German lesson. After an abbreviated math class we had physics lesson. There we had some fun and boring time. Our last class was English and we ended at 12 p.m. At home my mom made me some pancakes. After my lunch a started studying for tomorrow's test.

M. K.      8.B

Wednesday, May 4, 2016, class 8b

Today we came to school at 9.35 a.m. because 6th and 9th class were writing NPZ (national examination). At geography class I.K. had presentation about Argentina. After one hour some of us had lunch and some went to home. At home I was studying Homeland and civic culture and ethics.

M. K.       8.b

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Wednesday, May 10, 2016

Today I got up very early. I was very nervous,because we had atletics competition.We had assembly at 8:50 a.m. The competition was in Tacen,we went there by bus.We had fun.My schoolfriends and I we were very good,and I am very pround for us.When I came home I ate lunch and then I went for a walk with my little sister.We were picking flowers,singing.talking…When we came home she was very tired and she went to sleep.I went to the bedroom and started with my homework.It was very easy but I was doing it for a long time.Then I was studying for the next day beacuse we wrote mini test for English.I hope that I got good grade.I was hungry and I slowly went in kitchen where I preapered pancakes with nutella.Because I ate soo much I feeling sick. Arianda

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I woke up at 7 a.m.I brushed my teeth,washed my face. At 8 a.m.I went to bus station. The weather was not very good. At 8:30 a.m. we started writing npz. Then we had Physics,we had a lot of homework. When we finished we had English.At 11:20 we started with P.E. This subject is my favourite. We were running and playing basketball. Then we had Slovene it was interesting. We finished school at 12:55. I went home by bus.When I came home I went out with my dog. We were walking for a long time. After all I came home and started reading and learning. I was very tired because I soon went in kitchen and preapered dinner. Then I had a shower.At 21:00 I was watching a great film.When the film was end I went in my bedroom and did my homework. Arianda

Monday, May 9, 2016

Today I got up at five o’clock. I trained presentation for school. Our first lesson was English. We had to find sights of Slovenia. Our next lesson was Slovene. We had lesson of Music. Of course we sang there. At break mr. Jamnik gave me invitation for prize trip to Venice for one day. Then I got grade 5 for presentation at Ethics. At the afternoon I had lesson of accordion at four o’clock. I trained for final exam. When I came from music school I played table tennis. Filip, 7.a

Monday,May 9,2016

I started my day with a cup of tea.Before school I was playing with my cat.She is very funny.I was throwing ball and she was catching it.She was very funny and I laughed a lot.I went to school at 8.10.Our first lesson in school was Biology.Then we had two lessons of P.E.We played basketball.After P.E. we had Maths,English,Slovene and on the end we had German lesson.I come home at 15.00.I was very hungry so i ate my lunch.Then I study Geography,because I am going to write a test on Wednesday.After studying i went to bathroom.I went to bed very early,because I was very tired. Zala V.

Thursday,5.May 2016

Today was very interesting day.I woke up at 7 o'clock,as usually.Then I ate my breakfast.I went to school at 8 o'clock.Our first lesson was Math.Then we had History.We got our tests back and I think,that we were all very satisfied with our grades.After school I went home.At 18 o'clock I went to library.We had an art exhibition there.We had an opening of exhibition.Our works are very beautiful.After exhibition I went home.I ate my dinner and then I went to my room.I did my homework and after that I went to bed,because I was very tired.It was very long day behind me. Zala V.

Friday, May 6, 2016, class 9/II

FRIDAY, 6.5.2016

Hi guys, It’s Friday. For us school started at 8:15, we were writing NPZ. Then we should have History, but our teacher was missing, so we went on a playground with Miss Svoljšak. Next lesson was Chemistry and then English. We had two movie presentations. We watched an educational video of KHAN Academy and we tried to solve a math riddle. After that we had Biology. First we were preparing for test which we will write next Friday and then we watched a movie about the evolutionary history. After that we went home.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016, class 9/II

Hello, I started this day with cup of green tea, but I still woke up very sleepy. Then when I came to school we had a big test at History and it went well. After it we had Geography and English where I had my movie presentation for The Revenant which went far better then I expected, so I got an A. Pretty the same was at Slovene where I was graded ˝home reading˝  and again I got an A. Then we had Chemistry and dance classes for valedictory ball. After the end I rushed on a bus to Ljubljana where I had orchestra class. When it was over I went back , where we had a dance with schools from Medvode. I came home at 9.30 so it was a long, but successful day.

Friday, April 22, 2016, class 9/II

Hello I started this day at 6.30, when I woke up. Then I ate an apple for breakfast and ran to the bus station. First when I came to school I had Math and then Slovene, Biology, Physics and English. But in the big break between Physics and English, I got a music wish which made my day. Then we had Chemistry as the last class. After it I had lunch and a violin lesson. So that was all of my school day, but as soon I came home I had to go to Ljubljana to get me dressed for the valedictory ball. I luckily got everything I need, so I came home at 19.30 and that was my whole day.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tuesday, May 3, 2016, class 9/II

Hi guys, today is Tuesday. We started school at 8.30 with Geography where teacher was grading us.
After a snack we had Physic. We were talking about electrical resistance. Then we had English. We had two more movie presentations. First one was about comedy Dumb and Dumber, we laughed a lot while watching trailer, and second was about movie Salmon fishing in the Yemen. Then was Slovene, we were preparing on test which we’ll write tomorrow. I’m super nervous. After that we had History and we were also preparing for test. We also had dancing lessons for our prom and then we went home.

Thursday, May 5, 2016, class 7b

Today is outside cold, so in the morning I woke up bad, but after washing my face with cold water I felt better. I came to school around 7:15 and my friends told me that we have a free hour instead of Geography lesson, we were all happy, of course. At Math lesson we learned some new things. After class I went home and I prepared lunch for me and my family. In the afternoon I went to outside with my friend and we had lot of fun. After I met with my friend I came back home and made my homework, prepared my bag and then I study a little bite. In the evening I went to bed and I watch TV and read a book. Then  after a long day I slept really quickly.

Thursday, May 5, 2016, class 7b

Today I woke up at 7.00. I went to school at 7:30. I was very sleepy. First lesson was Geography. We
talked about Asia and some students got their tests back. Next was lesson with our class teacher.
After that we had snack.We ate bread with butter and jam. We drank tea. Then we had Music. It was
fun. We danced Renaissance dance. Next period was Math. We did some exiercises of Geometry. It
was not very hard. Then we had Slovene. We learned about centence article. Then our classmates
presented their news paper. Last subject was English and we had our one minute speach. I think I did
it fine. After that I went home, I had lunch, I did my homewor and I wrote this blog. So I can say it
was a great. We also did not get much homework so it was even better.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016, class 9/I

Today, all of the 6th and 9th graders took an exam called NPZ. We had Maths and in my opinion it wasn't that easy. After the exam we had our snack and right after that we had Maths. We didn't really do much, because we only had la little bit more than 20 minutes left. Next period was Chemistry. I don't really enjoy it, but today two of my classmates had a presentation about wine and to be honest, it was kind of interesting. Then we had Gym class. We played basketball and even if I'm not really good at it, I had a lot of fun. After that we had one free hour because our Biology teacher was absent. So we went outside and the majority of my classmates played hide-and- seek. Later we had History. There we prepared for the NPZ that we are writing next week. I hope it won't be too difficult.

Bye for now!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

This week we started with school on Tuesday,because yesterday was Labor day. Last week we didn't have school,so I and my family went to Portugal.Our trip was very interesting.I was very tired today,because I didn't sleep well.Our first lesson in school was German.We were learning about weather and we were talking about our holidays.Then we had Math.After Math we had Slovene and then Biology lesson.After school I went home.At home I was playing my instrument.Then I did all my homework.I was very tired today,so I went to bed very early. Zala V. 8.a

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

On Wednesday I woke up at 9 o’clock. The weather was beautiful, so I quickly ate my breakfast and went out. About 13 o’clock the weather wasn’t as beautiful as in the morning. I went inside and after an hour it started to fall hails. Then, after 15 minutes, it started also to snow. We thought that all our vegetables in the garden were frozen. On this day we also went to my grandparents. We were there for four or five hours. Then we went home and saw that at home were 20 – 25 cm of snow. We went out and played in the snow. After an hour we went in and ate dinner. Then we washed and went to bed. Lara Anja, class 7.A

thursday, April 28, 2016

I and my friend Maša woke up at 10 a.m. We brushed our teeth and washed our faces. Then we ate breakfast. When it was 12:45 a.m. my grandpa ridded me and Maša to bus station, because me, Maša, Eva and Marija went to BTC. We went to BTC with bus. I bought three new T-shirts. When we ended with shopping, we went to Mc Donald’s. Then we went home. It was 5 p.m. I, my sister and my mother went on walking. When we came home it was 8 p.m. Then we watched TV. At 9 p.m. I went to bed.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I woke up at 8 a.m. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went to kitchen and made breakfast. Then I went to my room. I read the book. It was 10 a.m. Then I, my sister and my mother went to airport. We waited for father. He came from China. When we came home he gave us gifts. Me and my sister got perfumes. That day the weather was unusually. I didn´t went to training, because it started hailing. Maša came to me at 7 p.m. We played Monopoly. For dinner we had pancakes. We watched film. At midnight we went to bed.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I woke up at 9 a.m., because it was first day of holidays. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I went to kitchen. I made breakfast. Then I cleaned the house with vacuum cleaner. When I ended I went to my room. On computer I watched film. I saw the weather is good, so I ridded my bike. It was 1 p.m. Then I made lunch. I baked lasagna. It was really tasty. Then I went with bike to library. I took two books. I went home. I started read. Then my mom and my sister came home. My father did not because he was in China. It was 4 p.m. We went in Ljubljana. We stopped in sweet shop. I ate chocolate cake. We went home at 7 p.m. We watched film Titanic. At 10 p.m. I went to bed.

Monday, April 15, 2016

I woke up at 7:30 a.m. I brushed my teeth. Then I washed my face. I went to kitchen. There I made breakfast. At 8 a.m. I went to school bus. I came to school at 8:15 a.m. At 8:30 the school started. At 9:15 a.m. we had snack. At 12:55 p.m. the school ended. Then I and Pika went on wings and then we wait for bus. It came at 1:30 p.m. I didn´t have lunch at school so I did it by myself. Then I did my homework. At 3:30 p.m. I started with Jazz Ballet training. Training ended at 5 p.m. I went home. And then I ate dinner. I watched TV. At 9 p.m. I went to bed.

Thursday, May 3, 2016, class7b

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock because I had Sport for relaxation. We played football and volleyball. Our next lesson was French. French is optional subject, so there are just 10 pupils at French. We learned about prepositions. Next we had P.E. We threw vortex. I threw it 35 meters which is quite good distance. Then we had Slovene. Three of my schoolmates prepared wall newspaper and presented it today. This took us the whole hour, so it was pretty fine because I thought that I will be graded. After Slovene we had Maths. Our teacher told us which grades we got at mini tests. Grades were quite good. After that we made exercises. Then we had French again. Some students wrote a test while we were working with the teacher. Then I had lunch and went back to home.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016, class 9/I

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock. Then I had forty minutes to get dressed and to get in the school. Our first class was Maths and second was English, where we listened to presentations. Next we ate our snacks. We got cheese rolls and yoghurts. After that we had Biology. The teacher was talking about some laws. Next class was Physics. We checked our homework and also got some. At Slovene
we did some exercises and some students had to tell the teacher a book-review. Our last class was Chemistry. Teacher said that she would grade some student, but there wasn't enough time. First ten minutes we spend as s Class hour and then we learned a new subject matter. For lunch we ate chicken shish kebab and rice.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016, class 7b

Today is outside cold, so in the morning I woke up bad, but after washing my face with cold water I felt better. I came to school around 7:15 and my friends told me that we have a free hour instead of Geography lesson, we were all happy, of course. At Math lesson we learned some new things. After class I went home and I prepared lunch for me and my family. In the afternoon I went to outside with my friend and we had lot of fun. After I met with my friend I came back home and made my homework, prepared my bag and then I study a little bite. In the evening I went to bed and I watch TV and read a book. Then after a long day I slept really quickly.

Friday, April 22, 2016, class 9/I

Today school started at 7:40 AM with Math. We practiced for the National exam, which is coming in May. Then we had English. Two students had their movie review presentations and others will have theirs after the break. Afterwards we had snack. We ate a fruit yoghurt and a cheese roll. Later we had Biology. We learnt about the evolution of organisms. Next we had Physics and then Slovene. At Slovene we practiced the grammar. Last lesson today was Chemistry. We calculated the mass of the atoms. When the Chemistry ended we went to eat the lunch. We ate grilled chicken with rice. That was the end of the school day. Now we’re all very happy, because the weekend is here and the spring break is coming very soon.