Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016, class 9/I

Today we had six classes. We started with Maths and we solved mathematical exercises. Then we had Geography, where we were learning about the Slovene
littoral. Our third lesson was Physics. Teacher drew some circuits on the
blackboard and she gave us some homework to do. At Slovene we checked our
homework. We had to solve many exercises but just two students did all of them.
After Slovene we had P.E. Boys had to stay on a pull-up on a bar as long as they
could. Girls had to stand a net for volleyball and we played volleyball. In the end
of a lesson we demolished the net. Our last class was English. We should listen to
three presentations. The first one should be Lara’s, second Maya’s and third
mine, but there was no enough time for me to present the movie I chose so I have to present it in Thursday. I’m not so happy about that.

1 comment:

  1. I like description of your day! Don't worry! I'm sure your presentation will be perfect ;)
