Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016, class 9/II

Hi guys, it’s Friday. School started at 7.40 with the Maths lesson. Then we had Slovene. Teacher was grading us required reading. I was lucky that I haven’t been graded, because I didn't read the book yet. After the snack followed History. We were preparing on a test which we will write next Friday. Next
lesson was Chemistry and then English. We had two movie presentations. First one was about horror movie Wicked and second about romantic fantasy drama Beastly. After that all ninth graders got together in the biological classroom there we were talking abaut where we will go for our last field day. We decided for Terme Ptuj and now we are just waiting our principal to conform it. That’s how Friday lessons ended and the weekend is finally here!

1 comment:

  1. It was quite a long day, but I am looking forward to our last trip.
