Sunday, April 10, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016, class 9/II

Hello, I started this day in my bed with a big cup of green tea, so when I went to school I wasn't so sleepy. But still when I got to school, sleeping hit me hard. First we had Math and we were writting a mini test, it went well or actualy really good because I got an A. Then I had Slovene and this class was one where I almost felt asleep. Then we had History and Physics and again we were writting a mini test, but this one was more difficult for me, so I hope for a B. Then we had English and Chemistry and again, I would have to write a mini test, but because Miss Kočar forgot about it, I didn't bother with it. Then we had lunch and ofcourse the big race to the dinning room. After lunch I went home and that was my school day.


  1. I think that you wanted to say that you almost fell asleep .

  2. I think that you wanted to say that you almost fell asleep .
