Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016, class 9/I

Today wasn’t just an ordinary school day. All of the ninth graders went to the park of military history in Pivka. We left our school at 7.40 and drove to Pivka. When we arrived we first ate our snack. Then the guide took us to a collection about the life of soldiers. After that we went to a bigger hall, where we could see many different kinds of tanks and other military vehicles. Later we went to see the interior of a Slovene submarine. Next we watched a short movie about the independence of Slovenia. At the end we went to see another collection about the army during the 1. and 2. World war. Then we went to the bus, which took us back to school. We arrived around 13.30. That’s how our school trip ended. Although I’m not really a fan of military history, I liked the trip. It was quite interesting and we also learnt a lot.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday, March 29, 2016, class 9/I

Today was the first day and lesson after Easter holidays. Those who were sign up for Epi Reading Badge wrote today at one o’clock in English class room. Besides all today was the last day for performance Slovenian Reading Badge. So it was pretty much full. At English teacher was grading pupils and at chemistry too. 9 graders are going to see the Nuclear reactor tomorrow. Later, in Thursday we are going to write a geography test. So wish me luck. Oh, before I finish, let me remind you that you have to finish all things for participation grade!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016, class 9/I

Today we had six classes. We started with Maths and we solved mathematical exercises. Then we had Geography, where we were learning about the Slovene
littoral. Our third lesson was Physics. Teacher drew some circuits on the
blackboard and she gave us some homework to do. At Slovene we checked our
homework. We had to solve many exercises but just two students did all of them.
After Slovene we had P.E. Boys had to stay on a pull-up on a bar as long as they
could. Girls had to stand a net for volleyball and we played volleyball. In the end
of a lesson we demolished the net. Our last class was English. We should listen to
three presentations. The first one should be Lara’s, second Maya’s and third
mine, but there was no enough time for me to present the movie I chose so I have to present it in Thursday. I’m not so happy about that.

Friday, April 15, 2016, class9/I

Today we started school at 7:40 a.m. Our first lesson was Maths. We wrote national examinations for practise. The next class was English, where we listened to a movie presentation. For our snacks everyone got a piece of pizza and a cup of tea. At Biology teacher was explaining about evolution. Then we had Physics and we were learning about electricity. After that we had Slovene and teacher gave us our essays back. I got a five and I am very happy. In the end we should have Chemistry, but we had a kind of Class hour. Both classes of ninth-graders were trying to decide, where are we going to go on our final trip in the end of this school year. So we made a deal that we are going to go to a water park Terme Ptuj. There are many swimming pools and water slides.
Immediately after our voting we hurried to get lunch. Today we ate a soup and a
delicious dessert.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016, class 9/I

Today was quite difficult: our morning at school started at 7.40 with Math. Some of my schoolmates wrote a test, while we didn't. That's why we repeated everything about pyramid and did many exercises. Then, we had geography. We talked about Adriatic Sea and still didn't get our tests back... Afterwards, we had Physics and Slovene. We wrote an essay at Slovene and it was quite difficult in my opinion, specially because I didn't have any inspiration. At P.E. we did Sport-Educational chart and so we had to do pull-up. The teacher timed us too. At the end, we had English. We listened to a song and then filled the gaps of the lyrics. It was quite interesting, but difficult. And then, I went home.
To sum it up, this day was very normal in my opinion, but also quite amazing and funny too.

Have a nice evening,
Larisa Zerovnik, 9.A

Friday, April 15, 2016, class 9/II

Hi guys, it’s Friday. School started at 7.40 with the Maths lesson. Then we had Slovene. Teacher was grading us required reading. I was lucky that I haven’t been graded, because I didn't read the book yet. After the snack followed History. We were preparing on a test which we will write next Friday. Next
lesson was Chemistry and then English. We had two movie presentations. First one was about horror movie Wicked and second about romantic fantasy drama Beastly. After that all ninth graders got together in the biological classroom there we were talking abaut where we will go for our last field day. We decided for Terme Ptuj and now we are just waiting our principal to conform it. That’s how Friday lessons ended and the weekend is finally here!

Thursday, April 14, 2016, class 7b

Today it is 14th of April. That day was bad weather. Today I got up at 6.40. We had school trip. We went on Dolenska. We were in house of Josip Jurčič. than we  went to monatery. there lived and still live biskops. There we heard how they wrote, what they wrote, what they did,... Than we saw works of Primož Trubar. We saw what he wrote. Than we went to Levstik home. There one woman and she spoke of Levstik. She  told about his childhood, what Levstik do, what he wrote, witch he loved, with who he work,...Now our trip ends . Then when I ate my  lunch I had  catechesis.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday, 14th I woke up at half past six. I went to the kitchen and ate corn flakes with milk and made sandwiches for school cultural excursion. After I ate breakfast I went to bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I went to my room and got dressed. Then I prepared my backpack for school. At seven o’clock I went to school. At half past eight we were on the bus. Our first stop was at the birth house of Josip Jurčič. First we watched a film about his home and then we went to see his house. Then we ate our breakfast. Half an hour later we went back to the bus and drove to the Stična Monastery. After our visit we went back to bus and drove to museum were we learned about Primož Trubar and Fran Levstik. Then we drove home. We came back to school at half to three. I ate lunch at four o’clock. Half an hour later I watched television. At half to six my friend came over and together we went to school gym, where we had a ballet performance. I came home at half past eight. I went to bed around ten o’clock. Brina, 7.a

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Wednesday, Arpil 13, 2016

I woke up at 8 o’clock. I went to the kitchen and ate my breakfast. Then I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Later I went to my bedroom where I dressed and prepared my bag for school. At 9 o’clock I went to school. At quarter past nine we had breakfast. My first hour was History, where we learned about the Romans. After History we had P.E. At ten past eleven we had two hours of Slovene. At five to one I went to lunch at school. At one o’clock our First aid team went to a competition. The competition started at two o’clock. First we wrote tests. Half hour later we ate sandwiches. Around three o’clock we went to first room, where we started the practical exams. My dad came to get me and drove me to ballet class at 4 o’clock. At ten past six my dad drove me home. At seven o’clock our family had dinner. After dinner I made my homework. At eight o’clock I watched television. At ten o’clock I went to bed. Brina, 7.a

Monday, April 11, 2016

I woke up at 7 o’clock. I went to kitchen and ate my breakfast. Then I went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth. After that I went to my bedroom and dressed. At 8 o’clock I went to my cousins and at ten past eight we went to school together. My first hour I had English. We got our mini tests back and we wrote a correction of it. Our next hour was Slovene. After Slovene we had Music. We learned a new song and sang old ones. After Music we had two hours of Art. At five to one I went home. I ate my lunch at my grandmas. Around two o’clock I did my homework. After I did my homework I went out and I played with my two years old cousin. At half past four I went to ballet class. At ten past six my father drove me home. At seven o’clock my family and I ate dinner. After dinner I watched television. At ten o’clock I went to bed. In bed I read my book for about half hour and then fell asleep. Brina, 7.a

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Today it was a very good day. We started school at 8:30. First we had English. We checked our homework and then we listened to some text. It was an interview with some girl who travelled a lot. She was from Canada and she was talking about the differences from Canada and Great Britain. Then we had Biology and we were learning about light. At Math we were doing some exercises from our books. Then I had lunch at my grandma and I want on my volleyball training. We are going to have a match on Sunday. When I came home I made my homework and studied for History. When I finish writing me and my family are going to play games. I hope I am going to win. Pika, 7.a

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016, class 9/II

Hello, I started this day in my bed with a big cup of green tea, so when I went to school I wasn't so sleepy. But still when I got to school, sleeping hit me hard. First we had Math and we were writting a mini test, it went well or actualy really good because I got an A. Then I had Slovene and this class was one where I almost felt asleep. Then we had History and Physics and again we were writting a mini test, but this one was more difficult for me, so I hope for a B. Then we had English and Chemistry and again, I would have to write a mini test, but because Miss Kočar forgot about it, I didn't bother with it. Then we had lunch and ofcourse the big race to the dinning room. After lunch I went home and that was my school day.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016, class 7b

Today is Friday. I feel good because it is sunny. In Monday I and my classmates are going to visit Bovec. There we are going to have a school in nature. We are going to stay there five days. We are going to learn about Natural sciens. We are going to live in Dom Kavka. I am going to be in the room with Aleks, Benjamin, Peter and Filip. I hope that we going to visit river Soča, our the cleanest river. On the way we are going to visit lake Most na Soči. I was there with my family, we visited boat. I drived a boat. Now I am going to pack my clothes, we need a warm clothes and shoes. I hope that weather will be fine.