Saturday, January 4, 2014

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Early in the morning on the 24th of December me and some of my friends had a meeting in one of Maths rooms. This was absolutely very special day. It was not just our last day of school for this year; we were also preparing a special surprise for every student at school. We invited Santa Claus to school and he promised us, that he will come. When he came we took all the presents, that he brought with him and we went from class to class and we gave a chocolate to all children who were nice and friendly all year. Those were mostly all. And all students were also very happy and exited about the present. In every classroom we also sang a Christmas song, like Santa Claus is coming to town or Rudolf, the red nose rain deer. In the end we went to a visit to our youngest students in 1st grade. We called Santa together, but we had to call him at least twice, because he cant hear as good as in old times, he is old you know. But after a few minutes he came and he talked to children and gave them gifts. This was all and we sad goodbye to Santa for this year. I hope he also will visit us next year, I am sure he will, we just have to be enough good.  Anamarija 9th class

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