Monday, January 20, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

This Friday we had a coking class. There were just a few of us, so we made groups of 3. We made 3 different meals. We made pizza, smoothie and some steaks. Me and my friends were making pizza. At first we weren’t good at making pizza, but then our teacher helped us. We always prepare food with a help of recipes, but on Friday we made it by ourselves. At the beginning we made dough for pizza. Then we put on it some cheese, salami and ketchup. We put pizza in the oven and we had to wait about 30 minutes. Then we ate it and it was very delicious. I also learned how to make smoothie. At first we cupped bananas and we added some yoghurt.We put all those things together, we had to mix it well and we also added sugar. And the other group was made steaks. They were also very delicious, but I don’ know how to make it. We couldn’t eat everything, so boys did it. My group was in line to cleaned up all, so we stayed a little longer than others, because we had to wash the dishes and dry the table. We had a lot of fun at coking lessons. And I will miss this lessons. :( Slika image.jpeg

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