Monday, January 27, 2014

Thursday 23rd January

I am going to talk about Thursday, the twenty third of January. It was a normal day we had to wake up early because we started class at 7:40. We were all a little scared, because on this day Geography teacher was asking us questions for grade. When we came in school we first had Geography. Because she was asking us questions the hour went quickly and the fear went away. But some schoolmates were sad, because of the bad grade. After Geography we had Biology and there we were talking about blood types and mutant people. After Biology we had Maths where some of the students wrote a test it was a repeat test. Not all of the groups wrote it only 2 groups. It wasn't as difficult as the first one. After Maths we had History. There we were talking about second world war, we talked about Jews. It is really sad because all of those bad things happened to them. And then we had Slovene where my schoolmate had a presentation of school paper. And then at the end we had PE there we had to practice our routine of gymnastic and some girls were pretty good. And that was the end of the day. Vesna, 8.b

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