Monday, January 20, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

It was Friday. Last day in school this week. We were all very happy that day. First hour on our timetable was Music. We were all very tired and sleepy. The teacher came into the class five minutes after ringing.We were all sitting on our chairs. Some of my friends didn't write the test yet so they decided to write it next week. Than we were listening to music and we were writing in our notebooks about composers of the 20th century. It was a fun hour. Than we had Sport. We went into the gym. We had gymnastics. We were in pairs and we were making an exercise for grade.It was very interesting and funny. When we came out of the gym there was a music in school. We have music every friday. Some of my friends were singing very loudly. After breakfast we had English. We were making some exercises and a teacher was also asking a glossary. This day passed very quickly. Eva, 9.class

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