Monday, January 20, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hello, I am writing a blog for 17th January. It was Friday. Of course we were all happy because it was Friday and then the weekend when we relax. But we were all nervous because we were writing a test for Geography. We started school at 7:40 so we had to wake up early. As I said in many blogs I realy don't like getting up early. At first we had Music class where some of the students wrote a test. It was a repeat test, because some of the students wrote first test badly and they wanted to correct the grade. And others had to write down some musicians of 20th century and we had to describe them. There were long descriptions in our books but we had to short them and discribe them in our note books. After Music class we had PE at PE we had to do a show which includes gymnastic moves like gymnastic wheel. All the girls like gymnastic. After PE my group had Slovene. Where we were working on home reading. On this day all of us finished it. We had to introduce some questions to the whole class and the teacher. After we introduced them students asked us questions about the book. After Slovene we had Geography and we were all very scared. The test was including four questions about rocks like lime. After Geography we had Chemistry where we are talking about acids and chemistry bases. The teacher gave us some work in work books, because she had to work on something with our classmates that are going to compete in Chemistry. After Chemistry we had Biology. And at Biology we were talking about mutants bodies and people. It is realy interesting, I didn't know that mutant child can grow in your body because of radiation that was given to your body. And that was end of the day for some students. But for some girls it wasn't because we had Cooking class. Where we were baking a pizza, frying poultry and we were doing a smothie with bananas. We did great. I liked all the dishes. Especially that with bananas which was realy realy good! So that was the end of the day. Tjasa

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