Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014

On this day we also had to wake up early, because we also had school at 7:40. First we had Music class. Where we were talking about the movie about Phantom of the Opera. It was actually a great movie and it was a musical. After Music class we had PE where we had to practice our gymnastic routine again. And on two of the girls wanted to perform the routine for grade and they were both great and they got an A. After PE we had English and Slovene class. Two groups had English and on had Slovene. We were checking our homework from last month. After English we had Geography where the teacher was asking us questions for grade again. I got an unfair 4. Others got better grades but they knew same things as me so that is why it was unfair. After Geography we had Chemistry where we were talking about Chemistry salts. We also did something in our work book. Later after Chemistry we had Biology where my schoolmate got 3 questions for grade. He got the best grade. But the rest of us were all scared because that day we wrote a repeat test for Physics the teacher was also mad at us because we were very loud. And after Biology we also had Physics and Cooking class. That was the end if the day. Vesna, 8.b

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