Monday, January 13, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hello, I am writing a blog for the ninth of January. This day we didn't have English lesson so I made a description of the day (Thursday). On this day we wrote a test for History. We were all really scared and we were all studying like crazy. On this day we had to wake up early because we began at 7:40. I don't like waking up early at all. When we came in school we first had Geography. We were all scared that she is going to ask us questions for score but luckily she didn't. We were studying about periods of geological history, the periods all have weird names. After geography we should have biology, but the teacher was missing so we had History and we were writing something about second world war. I like learning about wars it's interesting because I found out a lot of new stuff about history of the world. Last 15 minutes we could ask teacher questions about history test. After History we had Maths where the teacher gave us some exercises and we were working on that. We were also talking about scope and surface area of triangle. We were all really nervous about history. And then there was History a minute before the bell rang the teacher gave us tests and we all started to write down the answers. I just hope I'm getting a good grade. My Slovenian group had free period after History I was mad about it because we didn't have it before History we could study. After free period we had PE. I like PE I can relax and free my mind. That was the end of my day of school. Tjaša

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