Friday, March 17, 2017

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Wednesday, 15 March 2017 Today I came to school in a good mood, because the weather was nice. I came to school a 8.25. I was a little late but our teacher was late too so nothing was wrong. We had Slovene first and we were reading excerpts from Visoška Kronika. Then we had snack and we ate burgers. They were very good. Next was English. We were doing some exercises. After English we had Geography. We learned about Canada, its rivers and cities. It was more interesting than usual. Forth hour was Maths. We had to do survey about our classmates`s pets, so we could do diagram of it. And the last lesson was Physics. We got our mini tests back and I got all the points. Then we did some exercises. After all the classes I went to library so I could tell the reading badge to our librarian. Then I went home. Mirjam, 8.b

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the descirption of your day... did you finish your reading badge?
