Sunday, March 26, 2017

Friday,March 24,2017

I woke up early. I checked my phone and I watched some things on it. After that I got ready for school. I was very happy, because it was Friday. I came to school and went to the library, because I had free hour. I read book. I thought about some things. Then I had break for snack. We had cereals. After that we had Slovene. We talked about our essay. Our next hour was Math. We did some exercises. And finally our last hour-Science. We talked about experiment on Wednesday. After school I had dance classes. They weren't usual. In the afternoon I had free time. I watched TV and I drew something. My day finished with thinking about nothing special. Zala 7.b Lep pozdrav, Zala T.7.b

1 comment:

  1. I remember this day! It was very usual, but I rode that you didn't have usual dance lessons.
    Very good blog😉😂😘
