Friday, March 24, 2017

23rd of March 2017 #NoChemistryLessonForToday

It is Wednesday and I woke up at 7.00 o’clock. I was so tired even though I’ve slept 8 hours.  At 7.35 I went to school and, because it’s the registration in high school time, we had to give the registration paper to counsellor, she had to check it so that is why we were late for class 5 minutes, but Mrs. wasn’t angry or anything. After English we had Slovene, after that we had Physic and Math. In Math we wrote a mock test, because next week we are writing a test. After Math we were waiting for Mrs. Kočar to come and learn Chemistry, but she didn’t so we were in library. After Chemistry I went on lunch and home for two hours, because later on I had choir. That was basically what happened today.

M.T. 9.b

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