Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

On Tuesday 21. of March we had a culture day. We went to the cinema and we watched a good Dutch film. Film's title was: Še žal ti bo. The film was very instructive. A story was about one boy, who had diffrent figure. At school all students made a fun of him. Three students were very aggressived to him. They made physically violence to him. His parents were very worried. Her mum asked him that she called headteacher, but the boy didn't want. He said that he is loser. The film was very sad and I cried sometimes. These things happens in the real life. We must to tihink about that! See you letter, bye! Nika Babšek 7.b

1 comment:

  1. I think this is very good film. I cried too sometimes.
