Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday, 30 of March, 2017

Today I woke up at half past six again. We started school at twenty to eight and after school I had to tell three poems for reading badge. At the sport I got five for gymnastic. After school I went home to lunch and then I went to library. Then I was learning for presentation about endangered animals. I had to present tree pangolin and tree kangaroo. Did you know that pangolin’s scales people using in traditional Chinese medicin ? In China and Vietnam peoples eating this endangered animals too. Tree kangaroos are interesting too. They are like monkeys.

Wednesday, 29th March, 2017

Today I woke up at half past six like every day. I tidy my room and ate breakfast. I was in the school at seven o’clock because I had to be “doorman”. Other “doorman”, Aleks came at half past seven, but it was OK too. Some children escaped into school at twenty past seven. Mr. Lipavšek saw this and he said “You started bad, aren’t you?”. When there was nothing to do, me and Aleks played Less (like chess but less) and it was realy good. We played Catan and Make and break too. At half past twelve I had lunch in school and at two o’clock I went home. At four o’clock I had accordion lesson and then I was playing and working for school.

My first blog

I woke up at qarter to six. When I was awake, we had breakfast. This day we had jam and fresh bread. After breakfast I must brush teeth. Next I prepared my school bag. Then I went to school. We (my class) started school at half past eight. Our first lesson was Maths. We had geometry. At twenty-five to ten we had Science. This day we had English, Geography, History and P. E. too. When I went home, I met my aunt Jana. When I came home I had lunch. We had macaroni, and it was very good. After lunch I read. I read for two hours, because I went to trumpet lessons. I had trumpet lessons for one hour and then I went home. Next we had visiting hours. It was my second aunt and my cousin. We played for some hours. We didn't play out, because it was winter. We had dinner at only seven o'clock p.m.. We ate fish. After dinner we brushed our teeth and next we watched film. It was very interesting. It was documentary film. This film lasted from eleven p.m., and then we went to sleep. Emanuel, 7.a

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

On Tuesday 21. of March we had a culture day. We went to the cinema and we watched a good Dutch film. Film's title was: Še žal ti bo. The film was very instructive. A story was about one boy, who had diffrent figure. At school all students made a fun of him. Three students were very aggressived to him. They made physically violence to him. His parents were very worried. Her mum asked him that she called headteacher, but the boy didn't want. He said that he is loser. The film was very sad and I cried sometimes. These things happens in the real life. We must to tihink about that! See you letter, bye! Nika Babšek 7.b

Saturday, February 25,2017

Skiing day I woke up at 6.15 and my mother called me. I was really sleepy. I got ready for skiing. I prepared my things. I ate my breakfast. Then we went to the Nassfeld, but I forgot my identity card so we drove back to our home. The Sun was shining and day was really beautiful. At skiing we made some photos of nature.We skied all day. At 1pm we had a break.At apartment we ate lasagna. Then our friends came to our apartment and we talked. Because we were tired we fell asleep. My day finished with thinking about skiing. Zala,7.b Lep pozdrav, Zala Tajić,7.b

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Friday,March 24,2017

I woke up early. I checked my phone and I watched some things on it. After that I got ready for school. I was very happy, because it was Friday. I came to school and went to the library, because I had free hour. I read book. I thought about some things. Then I had break for snack. We had cereals. After that we had Slovene. We talked about our essay. Our next hour was Math. We did some exercises. And finally our last hour-Science. We talked about experiment on Wednesday. After school I had dance classes. They weren't usual. In the afternoon I had free time. I watched TV and I drew something. My day finished with thinking about nothing special. Zala 7.b Lep pozdrav, Zala T.7.b

Friday, March 24, 2017

23rd of March 2017 #NoChemistryLessonForToday

It is Wednesday and I woke up at 7.00 o’clock. I was so tired even though I’ve slept 8 hours.  At 7.35 I went to school and, because it’s the registration in high school time, we had to give the registration paper to counsellor, she had to check it so that is why we were late for class 5 minutes, but Mrs. wasn’t angry or anything. After English we had Slovene, after that we had Physic and Math. In Math we wrote a mock test, because next week we are writing a test. After Math we were waiting for Mrs. Kočar to come and learn Chemistry, but she didn’t so we were in library. After Chemistry I went on lunch and home for two hours, because later on I had choir. That was basically what happened today.

M.T. 9.b

Friday, March 17, 2017

Kranjska Gora Diary

Hello! This was my favourite day on the Kranjska gora. In the morning we had skiing competition. We had four disciplines. Then we skied and it was great. After that we went into our home. We had a at about half minutes free time. In the afternoon we had Nordic walk. After Nordic walk I was very sleepy. In the evening we had party. All rooms had to make one presentation. We (Nike, Tia, Eva and me) are danced. Then teacher took to us some diplomas. We had skiing competition and I win. I was very happy and proud to me. On the Kranjska gora it was very fun. I like to go on the Kranjska gora next time. What about you? Nika, 7.b

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Wednesday, 15 March 2017 Today I came to school in a good mood, because the weather was nice. I came to school a 8.25. I was a little late but our teacher was late too so nothing was wrong. We had Slovene first and we were reading excerpts from Visoška Kronika. Then we had snack and we ate burgers. They were very good. Next was English. We were doing some exercises. After English we had Geography. We learned about Canada, its rivers and cities. It was more interesting than usual. Forth hour was Maths. We had to do survey about our classmates`s pets, so we could do diagram of it. And the last lesson was Physics. We got our mini tests back and I got all the points. Then we did some exercises. After all the classes I went to library so I could tell the reading badge to our librarian. Then I went home. Mirjam, 8.b

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Today I came to school at 7.30. We spent an hour with our class teacher. We talked about next week`s culture day. We are going to go and watch a movie. It seems to be interesting. Then we had French. We were doing some exercises for French Reading Badge. After French class we had snack. It was good. We ate mush with milk. After we ate snack, we had Maths. We wrote mini test whole hour, even though it was not difficult. We all did it well. Next on our schedule was English. We did some exercises and we also determine dates for our presentations. Then we had Physics. We wrote mini test there too. But it was not difficult either. After mini test we learned about forces. At the end we had Technique And Technology. We had two hours of it but I only stayed for one, because then a girl from France came and we had another lesson of French. It was funny, because we did non understand her well and she did not understand us. But luckly there was our teacher. After all these I went home. It was a nice day. Mirjam, 8.b

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Friday, 10th March, 2017

On Friday, 10th March, we had a sport day. We met at 8 o'clock in front of the school. Two pupils brought the snacks to the bus. The teacher checked if everybody was there. We put the rucksacks in the bus. I sat with Matic in the bus. We drove to Bled. There we first ate the snacks and then we hired some scates. We were scating one hour on the scating rink. Matic, Nejc, Mr.Tomaž Jenko and I remained on the ice. We competed and I won. The other pupils also returned to the ice. After 1 hour we returned the scates. We waited at the sick of the lake. Then we went to the bus. At ten to twelve we were again in Medvode and we had lunch. I enjoyed the day.
Stanislaw, 8.b

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Friday, March 10, 2017

Today was a great day.We didn't have any lessons,because we had sports day.I went skiing on Vogel.The weather was beautiful,It was sunny and windy,but the wind didn't make us any problems.The snow was soft and it was perfect for skiing.Around twelve o'clock we had a little break and we could made some beautiful photos.When we ended our ski adventure we were very tired so we went home.We drove with bus around one hour so we came home around three o'clock.When we came to the parking place we took our things from the bus and we went home. Zala, 9.a

Friday,March 10,2017

Friday,March 10,2017 I got up at 6.10. I was really sleepy. I prepared for skiing day. I ate breakfast. I made my sandwich and tea for skiing. Then I want to school(parking). After that we spent some time on the bus(we drove for about 1 hour). When we came to Vogel we prepared our skis,ski shoes and helmets. Teachers gave us snacks. Then we went on ski lift. My group had teacher Aljoša for skiing. We skied a lot. We had break for snack at 11. My friend and I had interesting talk. After that we skied for another hour. We came to Medvode at 15.15. I was tired from skiing, but this sport day was one of my favorites. My day finished with thinking about my weekend plans. Zala Tajič,7.b Lep pozdrav, Zala 7.b.

Friday, March 3,2017

I woke up at 8. Then I read book and I checked my phone. I got up at half past eight. I ate my breakfast. After that I got ready and I prepared my things for dance classes (water,clothes,snack). Then I went to dance classes at 9.30. At dance classes we started making new choreography. It was very interesting. Then we went to bar and we ate hot chocolate. After that I went home,but I forgot my keys so I stayed at my neighbour's house. I read and watched some things on computer. In the afternoon I did my homework. Then I watched film. My day finished with thinking about dance classes. Zala,7.b. Zala 7.b.