Monday, February 20, 2017

My blog for Friday, 17th of February

Today I woke up very happy because it was the last day of school before holidays... I mean it was the last day before our one week long skiing trip and then holidays. I brushed my teeth and ate my breakfast and then went to school. Our first hour was Class hour but our teacher was absent so we were alone in class. We had so much fun. Our next subject was Slovene we talked about songs and then about Martin Krpan. Our next subject was English. We wrote mini test and then we went to computer classroom. Then I had a dentist. I went to dentist and came back to Science. We talked about sound and waves. It was fun because we did some things on the computer. Our last subject was Math. It was fun like always but our teacher gave us some balloons and we played vollyball with them for whole break. Then we had lunch. I was really happy because somehow holidays started to me... Yaaaay!!! Alina, 7.a

1 comment:

  1. I was really happy on that day too. But we have a lot of homework now :(
