Monday, December 5, 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

I woke up at 7.00 am.Then i was brush my teeth and wash my face then i was get dressed for school.I was eat breakfast with my twin sister Maja and we was eating flakes.We were go to school at 8.10 with a car.We were come to school at 8.20.our first hour was Math with Mr. Jamnik.Every hour with him is great fun.We was subtract fractions.It was very easy.Next we had Science.We had a lot of exsperiments. Then we were had English with Mrs.Oroz.We were writ a mini test and do in our workbooks.Our forth our was Geography,there we were watching an interesting movie about Alpe.In history we were do in our workbooks and read about Egypt.Our last our were PE.There we were had test of volleyball and i had an 5.We were realy enjoyed in volleyball.For lunch we had Junečji noodles in sauce,bread dumpling,selection of salads and water. At 14.05 some of us were went to the Reading Badge.Then we were go home. Eva,7.a

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