Thursday, December 15, 2016

September 1, 2016

It was 1. of September. I woke up and get prepared for first day of school. I wasn’t really happy because the vacation was already over. But I really miss my friends so I was really happy to see them. When I get to school everybody was already there. That day teachers were boring because they were just talking about what we are going to do in this school year. I was very happy when it was over. Before I went home I had lunch with my school mates and we talked about things that we were doing during holidays. We were eating a chicken and potatoes. When I get home I open up my dog Brino and play with him. That is something I do every day when I get home. At 16.00 I get to football training. After training I get home and watch TV for a little. I was really sleepy so I get to sleep really soon. Marko, 7.b

1 comment:

  1. First day of school is always very excited. Can't wait for next year, we will be in 8 grade already.
