Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Wednesday, 2nd November 2016

I woke up at 7 o'clock. At ten past 8 I went to school. Our first lesson was Chemistry we were talking about atoms it was interesting. Then we had breakfast, after 20 minutes our Maths lesson started. We were just doing some exercises. After Maths we had Physic we were doing exercises when teacher was grading. After 45 minutes of Physic we had two hours of Art. It was fun, we were talking about a new way to draw something that you see in front of you, and then we tryed to do it; it was difficult. After 2 hours we went home. I was happy because it was the last day of school this week.

Brina, 8. a

1 comment:

  1. I relly like your blog and I think your day was very interesting.
