Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Monday, 12th December 2016

I woke up at seven o’clock. I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and dressed. At ten past eight I went to school. First we had Geography, the teacher was grading and we were doing some exercises in workbook. Then we had breakfast. After breakfast we had English, we were doing a correction of our mini test and some exercises for the test.  After English we had Biology, the teacher was grading and we were taking about bones. Then we had two hours of Technology, we were learning about heavy, precious and other metals. It was interesting. After Technology we had Slovene we were doing some exercises from work paper. After Slovene, at quarter to two I went home.

Brina, 8.a

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog, because I had the same day like you.
    A very good blog!
