Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday, 1st November 2016

I woke up at 7 o'clock. I ate my breakfast, brushed my teeth and dressed. At ten past eight I went to school. Because of school fair we were working in work shops. I was in the work shop where we were wraping gifts for raffle. We had 148 gifts. It was very fun. At 12 o'clock I went to history classroom because we were having a competison about history on Wore War 1. At half past one I went home. I went back to school. At quarter to five I went back to school, because the fair started at 5 o'clock. Firat, before the fair started we watched a preformance, where our pupils sang, played on instruments...I liked the preformance. After the fair started I was saling tickets for our raffle and I sald them very fast. The fair was over at half past six, but pupils from eight grade had to tidy the gym. We went home about 15 minutes later. I liked the day.

Brina, 8.a

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