Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Friday, September 29, 2016

It's Friday evening. I'm happy that it's the end of the school week. I liked it when we learn on Thursday about atoms at Chemistry. On Wednesday two school friends fought and broke the glass of a cupboard at Technics. The teacher said they had to pay for the glass. On Thursday we had buns with jam inside.I didn't like that. This week it was cold in the morning. In the day it was sunny and hot and it didn't rain. I liked this weather and had short sleeves. On Wednesday we spoke at English about the Golden Gate bridge. This bridge is in San Francisco in the USA.
Stanisław, 8.b


  1. So you had a nice week right? I hope you enjoyed it too.

  2. That is good work . But i don't belive you that you like Chemistry . Sorry brother.

  3. I can't believe that you wrote that by yourself. Really. But if thats really yours ,than thats really good job, good for you
