Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday, 24th October 2016

Today I woke up at 6:50 am. My first period were praparations for History competition. We got many papers to read again. We started ten minutes earlier because we had to finish our work from last week. Our next lesson was Biology. My best friend Rok was graded and he got five of course. Zala was also graded. Then we were talking about organs, cells, tissues and in general about organisms. Then we had snack. We ate bread with spread and tea. Our next lesson was Slovene. We were talking about Age of Enlightenment. Then we had Sport. We were playing volleyball and our team won again. We play really good together. Our next lesson was Geography. Today`s subject was tropical Africa. It wasn`t so interesting as usual. Our last lesson today was Music. We were singing and learning about classicism. It was pretty entertainingly. So, I can say that today was a good day.

Lovro, 8.b 

1 comment:

  1. Is Age of Enlightenment "razsvetljenstvo" in Slovene? I got a plus at Geography so it wasn`t so bad.
