Sunday, October 2, 2016

Friday, 30th Sep. 2016 ×Fall asleep during lesson×

Today I woke up at 6.30 a.m. and then I ate an apple and drank some juice. Then I ran to school because I was a little bit late. Our first lesson was Geography and I was very sleepy at that time so I didn't participate in that lesson,I was trying to slept but it didn't went so well.After that we had Slovene and we were listening to our teacher who was talking abut protestantism and at that time I was participating ,because I wasn't that sleepy. After that we had snack time we ate: croissants and we drank some tea. Unfortunately  sport was the next lesson, on Fridays I just hate sport because we have it after snack time. We ran to the woods and then back to school , we also had some polygon and we were practicing volleyball. We were tired . An then we noted that none of us had deodorant so we smelt very bad.  School ended at 14.45 and after that I went home and then I did my homework,and now I am writing this.
I.K, 9.B


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