Sunday, March 6, 2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016, class 7b

Today is Thursday. It is sunny outside. It was snowing in morning. Today in school we had Geography, class hour, Music, Maths, Slovene and English. At Geography we learned something new and 2 pupils was asked by teacher. Next hour we had class hour. We talked about problems. Than we played games on computer. For snack we had herrings. Than we had Music. There we were singing. Next we had Maths. There we had a lot of new things. It was wery hard. Slovene was like every day. At English we wrote tests again. Than I go on preparations for Vega contest. That was my day. I am going to do all what I need to do and i will have free time than.


1 comment:

  1. Hello, Klemen :)

    I'm sorry to see your grammar and spelling mistakes ... Try to be more careful.
    I like your snack - hope you enjoyed it! :D And I also hope you sang some good songs at Music (haha). You probably didn't do anything interesting in your free time, but maybe I'm wrong. You should have gone to Mass ...
    See you when we meet again (for dinner probably ;))!

    Your favourite older sister
