Sunday, March 13, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016, class 9/I

Today was quite an ordinary school day. School started at 7.40 with the Maths lesson. We talked about cylinder. Next lesson was English. First we got our mini tests back and later on we discussed television programs. After the snack followed Biology and later Physics. The next lesson we had was Slovene. We were learning about Slovene literature in time of Realism. The last lesson before lunch was Chemistry. We wrote a mini test about acids, bases and salts. It wasn't that difficult. After lunch I and some of my schoolmates had Manners of Nourishment. Today we prepared a vegetable risotto and some of Easter time dishes like boiled eggs decorated like chickens and walnut roll. It was tasty, so we ate almost all of it. We finished around 3 o’clock.
That’s how Friday lessons ended and the weekend is finally here!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Looks like your day was really amazing... even if it finished late in the afternoon!!! ����
