Friday, March 25, 2016

My Diary

BOB AND NICKY Once upon a time there was a big house in California. In this house lived two children with their parents. Their names were Bob and Nicky. Bob was 10 years old and Nicky was 13 years old. One day their dad died. They were very sad. But a few months later mom got a new boyfriend. His name was Jack, he was very nice. Today is Friday. Bob and Nicky are at home. But their mother is at work. It’s twelve o’clock. Jack is coming home. Today Jack’s family will come to dinner. It’s six o’clock and Jack’ family is here. Ha has two daughters. Their names are Hanna and Montana. They are very mean. Nicky and Bob don’t like them. Hanna kicked Nicky. Nicky screams and mom is angry, so she says to her she needs to be quiet. Nicky is very angry at Hanna and at her mom. Today Nicky and Bob decided to take revenge. They will be mean to. They invited them to come to the park with them. Nicky and Bob are in the park. They are waiting for Hanna and Montana. They are coming, now Hanna and Montana are in the park too. Nicky is talking with Hanna and Montana. Bob wants to take Hanna’s telephone, but she sees him. Hanna and Montana are angry at Bob and It is a month later. Yesterday Nicky’s and Bob’ mom died. Now they live with Jack. They are very sad. It’s really boring. All day they need to work for Jack and his new wife. Nicky and Bob are so sad. They can’t play outside, they can’t play with their friends, they can’t watch television, and all they need to do is work for Jack. He is really mean to them. When they wake up they need to make breakfast for Jack and his wife. Then they need to make breakfast for Hanna and Montana. And they need to go to school. They are like Cinderella. Today they were in school really late. They come home at five o’clock p.m. Jack was really angry, he wants his dinner. They are cooking now. But he is still angry. It’s the weekend and Jack, his wife, Hanna and Montana go on a long trip. Bob and Nicky want to go with them, but Jack gives them a long list of things they need to do at home. They start doing them, on a list are more than 20 things they need to do. Today Nicky and Bob ask Jack if they can go to birthday party. Jack say: “No, you can’t. Who is going to cook for me?” But Nicky and Bob have a backup plan. Hanna is going to be on this party so she will see them. Nicky is in the kitchen and she is listening, now Jack and his wife are talking. Jack will go to a football game and his wife needs to go shopping. Their plan was: first Nicky will go to the party for half hour, then Bob will go and Nicky will come home. Then Jack’s wife will be at home again they will It’s the day of party. Jack is at work and his wife Emma is going to go shopping. After 15 minutes they are home alone. First Nicky goes to the party and Bob is at home. He is home and Nicky needs to be home all ready but she’s not. So Bob decided he will go to the party. They are both at the party, and Emma is coming home when they come home, Emma is really mean. Today is the day after the party. It is Friday, but Bob and Nicky mustn’t go to school. Jack gives them a long list what they need to do. They are tired but they need to do it. First they need to wash all the windows. Then they need to cook the lunch. After that they need to wash curtains and more and more… Now they did all things on the list. But Jack and Emma are still very mad at them. They don’t talk with them it is really boring. One day Nicky and Bob go to Emma. They ask her if Nicky can go to her friend so she gives her books for school. But Emma doesn’t let her, so she say NO! They don’t have home work because they was doing what Emma said, so they forgot. The teacher is angry. So she calls Emma. Emma is angry. She doesn’t want Nicky and Bob going to school. So she says them that they are going to stay home. They have a teacher at home. Now they have school from ten to three. Then they need to cook. And then they need to clean the house. Now they don’t have friends. They mustn’t go out from house. They are very sad. They wake up and make breakfast for all family. After school they cook lunch. After lunch they have 30 minutes for homework. Then they clean the bathroom and living room. Then they start to cock dinner. After dinner they wash the dishes. And at 10 o’clock they go to bed. They are very sad. They miss their parents. They wants to escape. The next day they wake up early. They put their clothes in backpack. Then they make sandwiches and they run from home. Emma wakes up. She is going to go to the kitchen, but Bob and Nicky aren’t there, they are in forest. In forest there is a men. They are scared. Nicky starts running. Bob is alone in forest. He doesn’t know where his sister is. He is very scared. He wants to call her, but in the forest there is no signal for the phone. He is running and screaming: “Nicky, where are you?” He is listening, but there is no answer. He is nervous. He is alone in the big forest. What can e does? He is running again. He falls and e stays on the ground. Nicky is at the town 10 minutes from the forest. She is in the library now. She is calling Jack. But he doesn’t belive her. He is angry. And Bob is still in the forest. Nicky decided she is going to go and look for him. She is in the forest and she is very scared. Bob is waking up and he hears Nicky. Bob is screaming. Nicky is running. She sees him. But she is walking to him and there she sees a scary man too. She is running to the tree. But scary man is near Bob. She is going to him, Bob is still screaming. Bob is still screaming and Nicky is still running. She is there and the scary man is there too. The scary man is helping Bob. Nicky is happy now, she is not screaming any more. Bob is breathing now. They are all happy. Bob is looking around him. He is screaming, because he don’t know who is the man near him. “Don’t scared, I’m Charlie, “says the man. Charlie was a big man with dark hair. And he helped Bob, now Bob is alive. Bob and Nicky are going to the city. There they are going to eat breakfast. Then they are going to return home. They are at home. Jack is very angry, but Emma is happy they are at home again. TO BE CONTINUED… By Brina, class 7a

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