Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thursday, November the 16th

I woke up at half past six. Then I went to kitchen and ate breakfast. After that I went to my bedroom and dressed.  At quarter past six I went to school. At school we took our lunch and our teacher gave us tickets for train and work sheet about Slovenian philharmonic hall, Cankarjev Dom and Slovenska Glasbena Matica. Then we walked to the train station. Because the train was late we were waiting there for an hour. Then we came in Ljubljana. First we walked to the Slovenian philharmonic hall. Then we went in to the building, to the small room. A women told us things about Slovenian philharmonic hall history. After we watched practise of professional choir. It was very interesting and some songs were funny. Then we walked to the Kazina. Where we saw organs, which Slovenian Academy for music got not long ago. Then we walked to the Cankarjev Dom. Before we went in we ate our lunch. Then our teacher gave us tickets. Then we went in and we waited for concert to start. The concert was really good. The people were playing on many different instruments, and there were children dancing ballet from primary and height ballet school Ljubljana. I really liked a par when a cello player had a solo. After the concert we walked to the Glasbena Matica Ljublana. Then we at it, because we needed to write the names from the statues in front of the building. After about a half hour we walked back to the train station. We were waiting for the train for a few minutes. Then we went on train. Then after about fifteen minutes we arrived to the train station in Medvode. Then we walked to the school. I really liked a day.

Brina, 8. a

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this school trip too. It was very interesting.
