Saturday, November 19, 2016

Friday, 13th November, 2016

On Friday, 18th November 2016, we had a preventive day at school. We started school at 8.30 am and put slippers on while waiting for the class teacher in front of the library. When she came, we went to the room for History. There we were sitting in smaller groups (4 or 5) and made posters about a healthy way of life. In my group were Matic, Luka, Jaka and Egzon. We were the first to finish the poster and then gave it to the teacher. After that we were eating a Slovene breakfast in the dining room and then we went to the small gymnastic hall. There we were watching a presentation about a healthy way of life.  All a classes from the 6th- 9th classes went then to the room for English and Slovene.  All b classes (where I was) stayed in the small gymnastic hall and learnt Taichi. Later a and b classes changed places. We discussed about what is unhealthy. Then we had lunch and went home. During this day I learned
  1. about healthy eating habits (fruit and vegetables),
  2. that cigarettes damage the health and
  3. that to play outside in the fresh air with friends is healthier than to play computer games indoors. Stanislaw, 8.b

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so you had an interesting day. I am glad to hear that you learned something. Se you no bowling!
