Monday, November 7, 2016

My blog-autumn holidays

Autumn holidays are over but I did many things during that time. On Friday (28th October) me and my family went to Salzburg. We didn't go alone because my friend Polona and her family went with us. Next day we went to town center and saw Mozart's birth house and the castle on the hill. In the evening we went to the theatre, where we saw musical The Sound of Music. The story of this musical is happening in Salzburg, so it was good to see many people dressed in national costumes. The show was great, except that they sang everything in German, which was a bit of a problem. Next day we went to Graz and watched another musical, Chess. This musical is awesome too! It was written by Bjorn and Benny from ABBA. Then we went home... On Monday, Polona invited me to a Halloween party. All my schoolmates (only girls) came and we had such a great time. Next days I studied a lot but I found time for playing Wii and having fun... My holidays were awesome! What about yours? You can write that in comments... Alina, 7.a

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your holidays were really amazing!!! By the way, I hope you enjoyed the trip as much as I did ;)
