Thursday, September 8, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Today, I went to school at 7.40 in the morning. I went to school by car. I read Chronicles from Narnia because I came to school too early. I really liked the book, specially the second part. Then, I had lots of lessons: our first lesson was Math. It was very funny, just like always. Then we had Science. We studied about cells. After that, we had English and it was very interesting. Then, we had Geography, where we talked about Europe, our continent. And after that we had History and P.E. At History, we learnt about the Stone Age and at P.E. we ran and jumped a lot. I was quite tired and sweaty. But the day was finally over then. After I ate lunch, I hung out with my friends. It was great, as usually, and after that I finally went home. What a day!


  1. I really like the used words, but you didn' tell, what you ate that day.

  2. Very well written. Which class is that?
