Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wednesday, September 6, 2016

I woke up at 7.00 a.m. I needed to finish my homework because I forgot all about it on Monday. The school is back !!!! …and I did it again… I have to be more careful this year.I had geography which was very easy. After I finished my homework I got dressed. I dressed violet dress and violet tights and then I ate my breakfast, it was delicious. My mom made ‘’burek’’ last night. I have school at 8.30 so I left home at 8.15. I didn’t have any tests because the school just started. We had Slovine first at 8.30, then P.E. after, P.E. we had English at 10.25 our forth subject was Math.With our best Math teacher Mr. Jamnik and our last hour was class time with our best Englich teacher who is also our class teacher Mrs. Oroz. I finished school at 12.55 and went home with my twin sister Maya. She is also my classmate. I hope she wrote everything we have to do for homework. Just to check up later. Eva, 7.a


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Really good blog,but you forgot to mention snack between
    9.15 and 9.35.
