Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Today we had a short day. I went to school at 7:40 and we had class period. We had elections for a president and vice-president of our class. Now Jaka Vrhovnik is our president and Nejc Prijatelj is our vice-president. Next lesson I had German with the youngest teacher on our school. She is only twenty-two years old. We were talking about ourselfs. Then we had snack. We ate salt pastry and cacao. Our next lesson was Maths. I didn`t get any homework, because I did everything at school. At Slovene we talked about our speaches. It is going to be quite hard. Then we had Phisycs. We learned about volume. I can say that today I had very easy day. 
Lovro, 8.b

1 comment:

  1. Very good post! I hope you had a good day as well! Is your teacher that young?!
