Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday, January 11, 2016, class 7b

Today I went to school at 8:25. Our first period was History. It was cool, because I really like History.  We were learning about Sparta and Athens. Then we had snack. We ate bread with cheese cream and milk. Then we had English. My joke, quote, riddle, did you know and tongue twister were stuck on the cupboard. We were writting a mini test which was really easy (for me). Next period was the hardest, because we wrote a real test at Slovene. It was pretty hard. I hope I`ll get a four… Well maybe five, but I can`t be sure. Then we had a double period of Patriotic Education and Ethics. It was good. We were learning about human rights. It was interesting. Our last period was Science. We were learning about burning. It was interesting, because I like Science. Then I went home and did my homework.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Very nice text. You wrote it almost like an 8 grader!
