Monday, January 18, 2016

Friday, January 15th, 2016

I woke up at seven o’clock. Then I washed my face and I dressed. After I ate my breakfast I prepared my school bag. At eight o’clock I went to school by my foot. First we had English, were we listed to two songs. One was “Living on the Mars” and the other was “Space Oddity”. After English we had Math. At fifteen past nine we had breakfast. Then we had Geography were we wrote a test. It was about Europe. After Geography we had two hours of Science, where me and two of my schoolmates got a grade. After Science we had Slovene. After Slovene I went home, where I cooked my lunch, a tortilla with vegetables. After I ate my lunch I watched television. At twenty pas two my mother drove me to music school. After a half hour of violin, my mother came to music school and we went home by foot. When we got home I did my homework and played with my cat Oscar. At half past four my father drove me to ballet class. At ten past six we came home. Then I ate dinner and then I watched television and I was happy the day was over.

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