Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015, class 7b

Today is Thursday. We didn't have Sport for relaxation today because
our teacher wasn't in school. Then I had French. Because the teacher for P.E. was absent, we had other teacher. We played football the whole hour. Then I had three more lessons. Then I have lunch and then I went back home.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015, class 7b

Good day!
I get up at six o´clock on Saturdays. I usually eat bread with cheese. Then I go to school on foot. I have Technology, Match, English,  Slovenian language and period hour of German, today. I am so happy, because I get five at English test.  I am going to visit Red cross of Slovenia. We are going to have a lessons of first aid there. Then I am going to visit a pet shop and buy an medical for my cat. I am also going to bay an weather plant for my brother. Then I am going to go home.

Thursday, November 19, 2015, class 8b

So today is a Thursday and my first lesson was Sport for health, which is a choosen subject. My second hour was English and we start a new unit which is people in actions. Then we had Math, and our first 20 minutes were class hour. We got a lot of homework. Then we had Art and we were making Christmas cards. We had two hours of Art. Then we wrote History test. For someone was easy, and for someone was difficult. But if you learned, then it was easy. After History was Slovene and we had wall newspaper. Then we had lunch and went home.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015, class 8b

Today I woke up at 6 o'clock.It was cloudy and cold.I went in school at 7;20in the morning.I came by bus.The first lesson was PE.It was horrible.Because that was PE.The next lesson was history that was very boring.After history we had a lunch.But after lunch we had a slovenian, and that was very ,very boring.After slovenian we had a english lesson. That was just  my anothey english lesson.I don't understood anything like always.Thats horrible but thats true.After english lesson we had two lessons technigue.After that lessons we had a dinner and after dinner we went home.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015, class 7b

Hi I`m Jakob and  today  I`m very happy becous is Friday and is last day before the weekend . We had a double period of scienc,sport,geography,maths and than english.We didn`t have so much homework. We didn`t write any test and I wasn`t  graded.We had history too . Tomorow I`m going to have a lunch whit my grandfather and grandmother. That`s all for todays blog.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015, class 7b

Today is 11th of November. It is sunny. The weather is really good. Today is Wednesday and we had Slovene, two hours of Tehnology, English and Maths. It is not such a good day. I came after snack. First hour we had Slovene. Then we had two hours of Tehnology. And after Tehnology we had English and Maths. We didn`t write any tests and that is good. Then I went home and had lunch at home. After lunch I did my homework. Then I had hour of euphony lesson. Now it is evening and I am writing this blog. I am going to have dinner now.

Monday, November 9, 2015, class 7b

Today I went to school at 8:25. First period we had History. We were talking about  Phoenicians. Then we had snack. It was very good. We had a yoghurt and a bagel with poppy seeds. Then we had English.
We wrote mock test like teacher says. Then we were in library because Mr. Lipavšek wasn`t in school. We were writing a story about different heroes. Then we had Art. We were making pictures about love and Haloween. Last period we had Science. It was very very cool. Mr. Špenko was showing us experiments. It was interesting and exciting. I had so much fun today.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015, class 7b

Today is Thursday. I am very happy, beacuse it is sunny. But i can`t play football beacuse my hand is broken. In school we had geography, class hour, music, maths, slovene and english. First hour we had geography, then we had class hour. After these two hours we had snack. We didn`t wrote any test or mini test. I wasn`t graded. That is very good beacuse I have more time to learn today. After english I went home. Then I had lunch. I couldn`t wrote my homework, beacuse like I said I have broken arm. Now I am at home and I am writing this
blog. I wish you a very sunny afternoon.

Wednesady, November 4, 2015, class 7b

Today it is 4th of November. I wake up at 7:00 am. I eat breakfast. I wear a jeans, shirt and sweaters. I get up in school at 9:00 am. Today is Wednesday and we had Slovene, Technology, English and Maths. It is sun and warm. For snack we had a milk rice and cocoa. After school I dress up and go to home. I had eat lunch, play computer game and done my homework. Now I am writing this blog.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3, 2015, class 7b

Today is 3rd of November. It is sunny. I realy like this weather. Today is Tuesday and we had Sport for release, France, PE, slovene and maths. That is my favourite day. First hour we had Sport for release and then we had one hour of France. Second hour of France we had sixth Hour. After second hour we had morning snack. After snack we had PE. We played voleyball. And fifth hour we wrote maths mini-test. After second hour of France I went home. I had lunch at home. After lunch I did my homework. And now I am writing this blog. Then I am going to go out, beacuse it is wery nice weather.