Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Monday, Novenber 18, 2013

VOLLEYBALL COMPETITION Yesterday there was a volleyball competition in our school. It takes place every year in our school and we are very proud on this. So last Tuesday there was a competition for girls and our school also had one team of girls, which was playing for us. They were good, but sadly they didn’t move further. Yesterday boys had competition and they were also very good. They won all matches that they played. I also made an interview with their coach Rok K.: Did you expect this success? Of course, I have always believed in them. Which game was the hardest? I think that game against Preska was the hardest, because they were also very good, but at that time I had class so I couldn’t watch, sadly. Were they playing as you wished? Yes I am sure, that they did. As I said before I wasn’t watching but I am sure, that they played as we were planning. What will be next sports trainings like? They will be hardest than in past, but also not too hard. Are you proud on your team? Of course. Congratulations to all players!

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