Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ljubljana marathon Today me and a few of my friends went to the Ljubljana marathon. At eleven o” clock we drove to Ljubljana by bus. The bus was full and the teacher was proud that so many students were going to Ljubljana and that we were not at home watching TV or playing computer games. So, when we came there we saw a big crowd of people. They were all going to marathon. It was good, because I thought: »In this crowd have to be someone who will be worse than me. “And we could find many new friends. At half one, the first group of girls from the first class had a start. I had a start three hours after the first class, at half four. This year there were not many girls from 9th class. When we started running, at first, we were running in a big group, but then some girls were better and they ran faster. A lot of people were looking at us and they were also cheering for us. In the finish we got a flask of water and a medal. It was a very interesting day and I won’t forget it.

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