Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

We had to came in school at 8.50 am. First we went to the bowling area with bus at 9 am. The teacher that were with us were : Mrs. Oroz, Mrs. Toporš, Mrs Kržišnik and Mr. Flajnik. When we came to the bowling we went to the groups of four. I was in group with three of my school friends. Then we had to borrow special shoes for bowling. Our group was group 20. We were playing bowling for 1 hour and half. When we stopped playing we went to BTC-City for about 1 hour we could go wherever we could go. At 12.20 pm we went to Atlantis where we waited for the other students and then went back to Medvode where we had lunch and then we could go home. Tara, 9.a

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