Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

We had English at 9:35. It was our first lesson and our first day at shool after holidays. We had holidays for nine days. We had a lot of free time and we came to school again very happy and rested. First our teacher came into the class. We were talking about our holidays. Where did we spend our holidays and how it was. After that we were talking about America. We checked our homework. We also looked at some interesting things about our country Slovenia, and we get some homework. Than we were talking about our typical day and we also did some exercises together. Than someone had to imagine that he is a famous singer or a film star and he had to describe his typical day. It was very funny and we were laughing all the time. Then we were working in pairs. We were talking about things that we do. We made some exercises and we also asked each other some questions. It was a very funny lesson, but we got a lot of homework. Eva, 9. class

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