Saturday, May 6, 2017


Yesterday I woke up at 7:30. Then I ate my breakfast. Then I went to school. We had Chemistry,
Biology, English, Slovene, Maths and History. It was very boring day in school. At 4 o’clock my best
friend came and we went outside with her dog on a long walk and we were eating chocolate. Then I
had karate. It was very funny and tiresome. In the evening I was learning for school. Then I ate dinner.
I went to bed at 10 o’clock. Then I read a good book. Its title is Martian. Its writer is Andy Weir. It is
written in English. And problem was in sentences like this: Use the manual valves to equalize the
Zala, 8.b

Wednesday, 4th January, 2017

It was 4 th of January yesterday. I woke up at 6:30. Then I ate my breakfast. Then I went to school. We had Deutsch, English, Slovene, Geography, Maths, Physics and Art. Then I had lunch.
After the school I had catechesis. Then I went out on ice cream with my friend. It was nice. Then I was learning for the school because tomorrow we will write test.. In the evening I was watching my
favourite series named Blindspot. In the bed i was reading a book named Martian.
I don’t know what to write now. So good bye and have a nice day.
Zala, 8.b

Friday, 14th April, 2017

It is 14 th of April today. Today I woke up at 7:30. School started at 8:30 today. We wrote a History test
today. It was not so hard. I guess I will get 4 or 5. I had my birthday 2 days ago. It wasn’t something
special. In school I am little unfocused these days because of lots of things that I have to do.
Tomorrow I am having orienteering competition in Lipica. I hope there will be good weather. I think this
is enough for today and I don’t know what to write so bye-bye and have a good day.
Zala, 8.b

Wednesday, 12th April, 2017

It is 12 th of April today. It was cloudy and warm today. I woke up at half past six, because my alarm
clock went off. I had first aid competition today. It was in Črnuče. There were just 4 members in our
team. Other teams had 5 members so we had bigger problems than other teams. But however we
were very good. We came back to Medvode at 7 o’clock. Then I l was learning for school for some
time and did my homework. I had my birthday today. I almost forgot about this. I got kimono for karate
and one hour of riding as a gift. I was very happy.
Zala, 8.b

Tuesday, 3rd January, 2017

It is 3th January today. I woke up at 6:30. Then I ate my breakfast. Then I went to school. We had
Deutsch, Slovene, Maths, Physics and Technology. Then I had lunch. I came home at 2 o’clock.
In the evening I had karate. It was nice like always. I really like this sport. Then I learned for the school
and did my homework. I am sad because of end of holidays. In the evening I was learning for the
school. Then I was reading a now book.
I don’t know what to write now so good bye and have a nice day.
Zala, 8.b


I woke up at 7 o’clock. Today I came to school at 7.40. We had an excursion. We went to Kranj first.
We saw France Prešeren’s house. Then we went to Doslovče where we saw birth house of Fran
Saleški Finžgar. We were listening his voice on the radio. Then we went to Žirovnica where we saw
birth house of Matija Čop. We watched a movie about him and our cultural heritage. Then we went to
Vrba and we saw Prešeren’s birth house. We saw the house and we learned how life was in his times.
The weather was cold and cloudy but it was a nice excursion. Today is a last day before I go to Sicily.
Zala, 8.b

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Wednesday, April 19,.2017

On Wednesday morning I woke up before the alarm clock. Then I ate breakfast. I had cereal whit yoghurt and a glass of fresh orange juice that day.I went to school one hour earlier to help my classmate with homework she didn´t understand. Then we had math and I did all the homework. At natural sciences we are talking about lawe. At english we had the test.Geography lesson went by fast. At history we got our tests back. I did it good. At gym although my leg hurt I ran fast. And it was another good day behind me. MaJa, 7.a

Thursday, April 20,.2017

Thursday was the best day of this week, because we didn´t have school. We had a fieldtrip. When we drove we were all thirilled. Our first stop was Stična and monastery there. It was a little chilly. In Muljava was our next stop. There we also had our lunch. We took a tour around Jurčičeva haus. He was our famous writer. It was so cold there that we were all happy a return on a bus. We were heading to Rašica. During the ride we were writing our diarys. Our last stop were Velike Lašče. There we heard about a life of Fran Levstik and Josip Stritar. It was a beautiful and also very cold day. MaJa, 7.a

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

On Tuesday I got up as usually at 6 o´clock. We had american pancakes with maple sirup for breakfast.Then I went to school with my sister Eva. At slovene lesson, it was our firstlesson of the day, we made our teacher a bit angry because our knowledge wasn´t good. At gym we could choose between hockey with boys, bowls or watching the game of badminton. I choose bowls because my leg hurt and I watch the game. Than we had natural sciences. I always have a good time with that subject. At english we were makeing excercises for test. At math we got a lot of homework so I had a full busy afternoon. MaJa, 7.a

Monday, April 17, 2017

On easter Monday we went to the mass. When we came home we went to visit the rest of our family and changed some easter eggs. After visit when we got home we played games. It was really funny. Rummy is the game we all love and usually we laugh a lot when we play it. With my sisters we sang some songs and danced a little later we had dinner. After that I prepared my school bag and went to sleep. I like easter Monday a lot because I don´t hope to go to school. See you next time. MaJa, 7.a


STORY about little girl. Little girl JOLLY was very beautiful girl. She had long brown hair and blue eyes. She was always wore a long pink dress with butterfly and she loved animals(horse, cat and dog). When she had 4 years, she wanted a dog and horse, but her mother hated animals. Jolly rely loved animals, because she was crying all days because she hadn’t animals. One day was her mother told her > Jolly why are you crying all time?????> and Jolly told < because I want to animals, so I really love them<. when her mother heard this she was so sadly, because she hated animals and therefore must to suffer her daughter. Mother was very sadly, therefore was she told < I buy horse, dog and cat for my beautiful daughter ever if hate animals< Next day was Jolly’s birthday. Mother was brought present for Jolly.Jolly was convinced that will got clothes or candy, but when she seen horse, dog and cat was very very very very happy. She was crying from happiness. Next day named all her new animal. Horse got name Spirit, dog got name Diego and cat got name Bella. She was the happiest girl on world, but her dog Diego was so sick and he must went in a vet ambulance . In ambulance was vet said < dear Jolly your dog Diego is very sick. He will die, because he is poisoned.< when Jolly heard this began to cry. She was hugging Diego and said < My Diego stay with me and don’t leave me.< Next day when was Jolly and Jolly’s mother come into the hospital to Diego was dog very good. Then come vet and said < Diego is healthy,, the magic helped<. ever body was very very happy and smiling. At 12:15 o’clock they come at home, and time was for lunch. For lunch they ate potato, steak and ice cream. Then she went rode her horse Spirit. She was rode two hour but then was came in forest- Black Forest, and in this forest is Monster. This monster is in this forest 1000 years and people say that eat all living being, but Jolly wasn’t know this... she want in a forest. Forest was very spooky and dark.she walked very slowly and quietly and then she heard terrible sounds. She stooped and started crying, because she was afraid, but time for crying wasn’t because Monster came. Jolly don’t know what to do. She jumped on the horse and quickly ran outside from the forest, but she was to late,so Monster is too so fast, because it caught Jolly and Spirit. Then was Monster killed Spirit, Jolly had broken leg, but when she saw that a Monster killed the horse, she quickly ran to him and started cry. The Monster was grabbed Spirit and then he ate it :( Jolly was so so sadly. She creamed. Then Jolly from sorrow died. Jolly’s mother is too today die, she died because she had broken heart, but dog Diego and cat Bella are living on a farm in ZDA . From this story was been 100 years, but people say that Monster too today eat boons of Spirit. JULIJA KRELJ 8.A 2. SKUPINA

Wednesday, 12th April, 2017

Today I had a good day. I woke up at half past seven. Then I have eaten breakfast and went to school. My first lesson was Slovene. It was cool. We were talking about France Prešeren. Then we had snack. After a snack we had English. We talk about present perfect. Our next lesson was Geography. We have learned something about South America. Our teacher was pretty moody. We were watching a movie too. Then we had Maths. We were learning about circle. It was pretty hard to understand. Next lesson was Physics. We were writing about forces and objects. It was a good day. P.H 8b

Thursday, 20th April 2017

Today we had a culture day. We were in Kranj, Doslovče, Žirovnica and Vrba. We saw Prešeren`s house, and his grave in Kranj.Than we went to villige Doslovče where we had time to eat breakfast and we were also in Finžgar`s birth house. It was an old house with old objects in it. Than we went to Žirovnica where Matija Čop ( Prešeren`s friend) was born. We were watching a movie and talk about him there. After visiting his house we went to Prešeren`˙s birth house. Our guide told us a lot of living in this house. Than we went on a bus and drive in Medvode. I think we learned a lot in this short day. P.H 8b

Sunday, 9th April 2017

Today I woke up at 8 o`clock. We had breakfast very early. It was very good, I like it because I like to eat cornflakes. At 10 o`clock I went to friend. At midday I was studying, till launch. At afternoon my brother came on visit. We had a lot of fun. At 6pm we went to visit our family friends. When we came home I went to watch TV and I watch basketball match . At 9 pm I took a shower. After that I was on the computer and I was playing . I went to sleep at twelve o`clock. It was a lovely day and I would like to repeat it. P.H 8b

Monday, April 10, 2017

I woke up at seven o'clock. When I was awake, I had breakfast. I was so tired even though I’ve slept 10 hours. I went to bathroom and washed my face and teeth after that I dressed up for school. Today I have wear black jeans and white T-shurt . I went to school. When I was walking to school I saw Luka. We shaked hands and we went to school together. In school we have write a lot, so I was tired. Today's day was sunny. My day was good and tired. P.H 8b Patrik, 8.b

24th April 2017

Today I woke up at 6 o`clock. I had breakfast at my grandma and I went to school at 8:00. School started at half past eight. First we had Chemistry where we wrote a test and I think it was not so hard, than we had Slovene where we did some exercises and checked our homework. After that we had Biology where we were learning about how our skin works and why different people have different colours of skin. We learned that we start sweating because the skin is meant to cool down our body and this is how it success. After school I had squash training and when I came home I was very tired, so I wrote blogs and went to sleep. Pika, 8.a

21st April 2017

I didn`t go to school, because I had a tournament in squash. Even though it was here in Slovenia the competition was very good. I played the first match with a girl from Croatia. The last time we played I lost 3:2 in games, but this time I easily beat her 3:0. After that match I had another revenge to make: I was playing against a girl who is also from Slovenia, but we play in different clubs. Again the last time we played she won 2:3 and this time the result was also 3:2, but this time for me. After those matches I came to finale. I was very happy, but also very tired, so I went to bed early. Pika, 8.a

20th April 2017

I woke up at 6 o`clock and dressed, I also brushed my teeth. Then I went to school. We went to a field trip to Kranj. Firs we went to see where the greatest Slovenian poet is buried, then we went to his museum and we heard a lot new things about him. We had a break after we saw the museum and after break we went to home of one of the greatest Slovenian writer. After school went straight home because my friend from Russia came to my house and we went to see Škofja Loka. I took her to eat some pancakes and to the castle to see the view. She liked it very much. We went to sleep at about ten o`clock in the evening. Pika, 8.a

Saturday, 22nd April 2017

Today was a very good day! No school, no work, well sometimes. I woke up at eight o'clock and ate my breakfast. Then I brushed my teeth and I played some Then I went to the football playground and played football for one hour. I had lunch at one o'clock. We ate spaghetti and a salad. After lunch I went to my dad in our new flat. I played again when I came home. Then I watched a football match. It was very boring because there were no goals. We had a dinner at seven o'clock. We ate bread and some meat. It was very delicious. After dinner I watched TV untill ten o'clock. Then I used my phone for fun and went sleep. Emin, 8.a

Friday, 21st April 2017

Today was another school day. My first lesson was History. We STILL didn't get our tests back. That's »hillarious«. I was graded and I got a three. I am pretty happy actually. Now I am saved of grading today. Our next lesson was Chemistry. We were learning and talking about compounds. It was pretty cool. Then we had snack and after it we had Maths. We were learning about circles and arc. Then we had Physics. We were talking about pressure and other forces. Well, if you ask me that is tiresome. Then we had two lessons of Ethics. We had a substance about countires and European Union. Then we went home. Emin, 8.a

Thursday, 20th April 2017

Today was an interesting day. We had an excursion. We went to Gorenjska. First we went to Kranj. We were in Prešeren's museum and in Prešeren's grove where he is buried. We learned many new things. We also wrote diaries and paper sheet. Then we went to Doslovče where is Franc Saleški Finžgar's birth house. There we had a snack and we listened to him on radio. We also saw the pictures and other resources. After that we went to Matija Čop's birth house in Žirovnica. We were watching a movie about Gorenjska's heritage. It was very interesting. Then we also saw another exhibition with many things in it. After it we went on our last area or something like that. It was in Vrba where France Prešeren came on the world. We saw the whole house and we heard a mister that told us something about Prešeren and his birth house. It was funny and interesting too. After that we went home asleep. It was a really good day with lots of interesting things and informations. Emin, 8.a

Wednesday, 19th April 2017

Today was another school day. My first lesson was Slovene at Mr. Lipavšek. We were talking about exurcion that is going to be tomorrow. We were also writing in our work books. Then we had English. We were doing exercises in workbook. My next lesson was P.E. We were running 600m for a sport card. It was pretty hard but I am a good sports man. After P.E. we had Maths. Some of us were doing exercises and some of us were fixing grades with a test. Then my last lesson was Biology. We were learning about senses. It was not so funny. I can say that I had a pretty good day. Emin, 8.a

Tuesday, 18th April 2017

Today my day was pretty good but not like yesterday because I had to go in school… My first lesson was Math. We were learning about circles and we were doing exercises. Then we had English. We were talking about tenses. My next lesson was History. We still didn't get our tests from the last week back. I hope for at least three… Or maybe I am too optimistic. Our next lesson was Geography. We were learning about Latin or South America and we were watching a movie about Aztecs, Mayas and Inchs. It was pretty interesting. My last lesson was a Class lesson at Mr. Lipavšek. We had an evacuation for earthquake. Then I went home. I can say that I had a good day. Emin, 8.a

Monday, 17th April 2017

Today I had a nice day. It was an Easter Friday! So there was no school for a whole day! I woke up at eight o'clock. Then I had breakfast and brushed my teeth. I played for thirty minutes and then at ten o'clock I went to the football playground which is close to my house. I played football there for two hours. My team has won. Then I went home and had lunch at two o'clock. We had a homemade pizza! It was delicious. At three o'clock I met with Nemanja and we went to Medvode's Ice Cream! I had a dinner at seven o'clock. I ate bread and honey. Then I watched TV until eleven o'clock and went sleep. Emin, 8.a