Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday, February 24, 2016, class 7b

It was beautiful weather today. It was sunny and worm. We wrote English test. It was hard. We wrote irregular verbs. We had Technology, Maths, Slovene and Germany today. I came at home at a half past two. I watched television, did my homework and read book in the evening. I called my grandparents. I played computer games with my brother. We raced with cars. I won all of the time. I
played with my cat. Its name is Orion. He is very funny. I ate bread with salami and cheese for dinner. It was good.  My brother is learning Physic right now.

Zala, 7.b


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. I see you had interesting day.

  4. I see you had interesting day.

  5. What did you have for snack in school? Which book did you read?!
    orion?? interesting name for cat :)
