Sunday, February 28, 2016

Friday, February 26, class 7b

Hi everyone sorry I'm late!

On Friday after school i had physical traning.The next day I went to my grandparents.I helpd my grandmother cook.We had soup,potatoes and meat.I also pet and played with my cat Max.The next day I woke up at 7.30. am.and I had lunch at 12.00 o'clock.Then I hung out with my friend.
Bye for now.

Thursday, February 25, class 8b

Today I had a dentist at 6:40, that's why I woke up at 6 o'clock. Then my mum was driving and we finnaily came in Ljubljana to my dentist. Then she just checked my theeth and she said that I have to come next week, again. I thought that I will miss my firsth hour so my mum wrote me an apology, but because my dentist did hers job so quickly I didn't miss any hour. When I came to school I had P.E. and we were playing Vollyball. Then I had English and we were describing people. Then I had Math and we get a lot of homework because we don't have Math on Fridays so he gave us a little bit more homework than usual. Then we had Art and we were painting some pictures. We had Art for two hours. Then I went to orthodontist and she told me that I will get bracelets next week. And when I had orthodontist my schoolmates had History and Slovene. So my day was like that if you use only 3 words: dentist, school, orthodontist. I hope you had a great day. And I think that this blog made you think that you're not the only one with terrible day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016, class 9

Yesterday I woke up at half past six o’clock. Then I ate breakfast and brush my teeth. Later I went to school. First we had Math; we were all very sleepy so I can’t remember what we were doing there. Secondly we had Biology. Two pupils were asked for grade. Next lessen at chemistry we wrote a mini test. At PE we played football. After that we had our first hour of English after winter holidays. At English I wrote Phrasal verbs, I choose a verb break into something. I had to write a definition and translation of each word, next I drew a drawing of the robber who broke into a house. On the end we had Slovene, there we checked our homework. Finally it was 1 PM and we ended with school for that day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016, class 7b

It was beautiful weather today. It was sunny and worm. We wrote English test. It was hard. We wrote irregular verbs. We had Technology, Maths, Slovene and Germany today. I came at home at a half past two. I watched television, did my homework and read book in the evening. I called my grandparents. I played computer games with my brother. We raced with cars. I won all of the time. I
played with my cat. Its name is Orion. He is very funny. I ate bread with salami and cheese for dinner. It was good.  My brother is learning Physic right now.

Zala, 7.b

Monday, February 22, 2016

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

Today I got up at half past six. Then I got dressed and washed my face. At ten past seven I went to school. First we had two lessons of German. At quarter past nine we had breakfast. Then we had History. It was interesting. Then we had P.E. We played volleyball. It was great fun. From ten past eleven to five to one we had Slovene. Then I had lunch at school and I went home. I did my homework. At half past three I went to dance class. We had acrobatics and there we did flips. We finished it at five o`clock. When I came home I ate my lunch and prepared my schoolbag.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday, October 7, 2015, class 7b

Just anather boring day!

It is 7th October 2015 today. It si windy , cloudy and sometimes it is rainy. It is cold. I hate that
weather. On Wednesdays  I have  maths, english, tehnology, slovene and germany at school.  Today
we  write a miny maths test . Tomorow  is school  dence for students  from 7, 8, 9 class from six  to
nine  a qclock. Tommorow is a school  orienteering competition, too. Today it is boring beacuse I
have nothing to do, exsept this homework. Today nobady  can`t be outside. Right now I am writting
this homework, my brother is looking TV and my parents are working.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Monday, February 1st, 2016

Today I woke up at half past seven. Then I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I didn`t eat my breakfast at home. At ten past eight I went to school. My school started at half past eight. First we had English. We read stories about UFO and solar system. At quarter past nine we had breakfast. Then we had Slovene and Music. We sang songs and talked about history of music. After that we had two hours of Etics. We watched film Slumdog Milionare. It was a bit scary, but it was interesting. At one o`clock I had lunch at school and then I went home and did my homework. I went to the dance class at three o`clock. Then my mom drove me home. I came home at quarter past five. Then I played with my sister and watched television.

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

Today I got up at seven o` clock. Then I thoroughly brushed my teeth and got dressed. At quarter past seven my grandfather drove me to the dentist. I came to school at half past eight. We had Maths. We learned about geometry. At quarter past nine we had breakfast. Then we had Geography and two hours of Technics. We composed a traffic light. It was great fun. At five to one I had lunch and then I went home. I did my homework and studied for the Maths test. After that I wrote my blog.

Friday, January 22th, 2016

Today I woke up at half past six. Then I washed my face and ate my breakfast. I prepared my school bag. At ten past seven I went to school. There I met my friends. First we had English. We listened two different stories, about UFO and spaceship. It was great fun. After that we had Maths. At quarter past nine we had breakfast and then we had Geography. We learned about Europe. It was interesting. After that we had two lessons of Science and then we had a class lesson. At ten to one I had lunch and then I went home. I did my homework. At four o` clock I went to dance class on foot. I came home at half past six. Then I ate my dinner and watched television.