Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Today was also a normal day we didn't have to wake up early, because we started class at 9:15 again but some of us started at 8:30 because we had to work on something on computers with Mr. Jenko. We have class with Mr. Jenko and we make internet pages, presentations about Slovenia and many other things. After that we had our first meal today we had Hamburgers with ice tea. After our first meal we had Slovene or English class and at Slovene class we were talking about travelogue we were reading some things in our work books. The hour went pass quick. After Slovene class we had Maths and there we are still talking about Mathematical prismas, we are talking about how to calculate volume of prisma, surface of prisma, perimeter and many other things. After Math class we had English or Slovene class I had English class and there we were talking about passive and active voice the teacher gave us some exercises and we had to work alone. The teacher also told us that she is going to ask us questions for grade next week. The hour went quickly. After English we had Physic and there we were talking about blocks/ pulleys and also about mass of blocks. And then we had Chemistry class and at Chemistry we had to write a mini test it was about acidity and Chemistry salds. And that was the end of the day. Tjaša :)

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