Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

So today was a normal for many of the students but some of them had to come in school at 7:40 because they had German class. I don't know what they were talking about but probably about German language. And others had to come in school at 9:15 when we had our first meal which was cocoa with bread, and Nutella on it. I love Nuttela and I am sure many of my classmates do too. After that we had Slovene or English class. I had Slovene and we were talking about paths and how to describe them. And actually it was really funny because many of us had problems with reading the text even the teacher was laughing about our problems. After Slovene class we had Math class where we are still talking about geometric bodies and mathematic prismas. After Math class we had English or Slovene class. Our teacher was gone for the first 15 minutes, because she was talking to someone. And the principal of school was in the classroom for us. And then when teacher came back Anamarija had a presentation about Nuts and Walnuts it was really interesting she presuaded me to eat them. After English class we had History clasa where we were tapking about athomic bombs in second world war in Japan and China. After that we had Art class where we started to draw some pictures of biuldings. And that was the end of the day. Tjasa

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